Undercover Videos Expose Illegal Late-Term Abortion Practices in NY, DC

Pro-life group Live Action has released two undercover videos as part of their project, titled "Inhuman: Undercover in America's Late-Term Abortion Industry," that exposes late-term abortion practices in clinics from across the country, starting with clinics in Bronx, N.Y., and Washington, D.C.
The graphic descriptions of late-term abortion practices documented in the grand jury report against abortionist Kermit Gosnell, whose Women's Medical Society abortion clinic has been nicknamed the "House of Horrors," has led Planned Parenthood to label Gosnell as an outlier, while pro-life groups claim that unsanitary, unsafe and even illegal practices in Gosnell's West Philadelphia clinic are standard operating procedure in the abortion industry.
Lila Rose, founder and president of Live Action, a pro-life group based in Arlington, Va., told The Christian Post on Monday that their six-month undercover investigation "exposes the brutal reality that Gosnell is not an outlier."

The first two videos show an 11-year veteran employee at Dr. Emily Women's Health Center in Bronx, N.Y., describing the abortion in detail, and then advising the patient, who is six months pregnant, to flush her baby down the toilet if she goes into labor at home while undergoing the two-day abortion procedure. In Washington, D.C., the same patient is told by abortionist Dr. Cesare Santangelo of the Washington Surgi-Clinic that if her baby survives, he will not provide life-saving care, even though the federal Born Alive Infants Protection Act would require him to save the baby.
Santangelo tells the patient that if her baby is born alive after he cuts the umbilical cord, the baby's survival would depend on "how vigorously you do things to help a fetus survive. We would not help it. We would not intubate."
Rose said her aim is not only to expose the illegal actions being committed at abortion clinics, but also to expose the reality of abortion that is covered up by sanitized words, and to show the abortionists 'willingness to commit infanticide.
"These videos expose the brutality of abortion that most Americans don't understand," said Rose, who wants to "cut through the cognitive dissonance" by showing examples of two babies of the same age, "one in a neonatal unit at the hospital receiving life-saving care, and the other left to drown in a jar filled with toxic solution," as described by an abortion counselor at the Dr. Emily Women's Health Center in Bronx, N.Y.
Democratic Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo recently announced his support for legislation that will allow clinics to perform abortions after 24 weeks of pregnancy in New York state. According to Live Action, 41 percent of pregnant women who live in New York City have an abortion, and almost half of all pregnancies in the Bronx end in abortion.
Following the release of the two videos, Rose sent letters to Attorney General Eric Holder, the U.S. attorney's office and Washington, D.C. health officials asking them to investigate and prosecute Santangelo, who works at the abortion clinic that's been in operation since 1973. She also sent letters to the New York State Health Department and to New York City health officials, asking them to investigate late-term abortion facilities.
In response to Marjana Banzil, director of Dr. Emily Women's Health Center, who claims that the employee on the video, who's worked at the clinic since she was 16, was misinformed, Rose said: "If this was a 'misinformed' employee, as Ms. Banzil claims, she owes the public an explanation on what measures she will take to rectify the situation. The late-term abortion center in the Bronx demonstrates the danger to women and children that exists in such centers due to a lack of medical knowledge. It's difficult to believe that the Bronx clinic worker who has been on staff for more than a decade is 'misinformed' when claiming they would put a born-alive baby in a jar of toxic solution to ensure death, or when she suggests flushing a baby if delivered at home during the procedure."
Rose reiterated that Live Action's undercover videos are part of the organization's ongoing investigation into the abortion industry because she believes people need to see the procedure for what it is: "Abortion is not choice, it's murder," she said.