Greg Laurie

Greg Laurie

Op-ed contributor

Greg Laurie is the pastor and founder of the Harvest churches in California and Hawaii and of Harvest Crusades. He is an evangelist, best-selling author and movie producer. His newest book Lennon, Dylan, Alice & Jesus


  • When God Speaks

    When God Speaks

    Does God still speak to people today? Is He interested in what happens to us as individuals? Does He really have a master plan for our lives?

  • The Fourth Man in the Flames

    Not many of us, perhaps, will face tests as great as Shadrach, Meshach, or Abed-Nego faced on the day when the king threw them into a fiery furnace. Even so, tests will come. Temptations will come. And many of those moments of great testing will come when you are alone, with no one looking.

  • Asking Why

    Asking Why

    We can ask God why anytime we want to. But I don't know whether we will really be satisfied with His answers.

  • Equipped for Rough Roads

    Equipped for Rough Roads

    Suffering makes us strong. God allows hardship in our lives so that our beliefs—those handholds of faith in a troubled world—will became more and more real to us and less and less theory. We can start living out our faith-life in the real world.

  • Trusting in the Dark Times

    Trusting in the Dark Times

    Why does God even allow Satan to exist? Have you ever wondered that? As the Evil One says in his own words, he is restlessly going back and forth across the earth (see Job 1:7), looking for trouble . . . looking for lives to ruin . . . looking for saints to stumble. Why does God allow him to carry on? Why doesn't the Lord just take him out, as He could in a nanosecond?

  • The Back Door

    The Back Door

    There is always a way out. There is always a back door. (Sometimes it may even be the front door or perhaps a window.) You may think you're trapped and that there is no way out of Satan's web. But there always is! The enemy may harass you, but he can never exceed what God, in His grace and wisdom, allows.

  • God Is Good ... Period

    God Is Good ... Period

    Why does God allow tragedy? Why does He allow babies to be born with disabilities? Why does He permit wars to rage? If God can prevent such hardships and heartaches, why doesn't He?

  • What It Means to Prosper

    What It Means to Prosper

    Did God answer his prayer? Yes. He did make it to Rome and had an amazing ministry there of preaching, teaching, discipleship, and writing. He just hadn't understood that getting to Rome would mean false accusations, arrest, incarceration, and chains.

  • Break the Glass!

    Break the Glass!

    When you're hurting and no one else seems to understand, God understands. You can bring a burden before the Lord that may seem insignificant to someone else. Whatever weighs on your heart is a concern to Him, and He wants you to talk to Him about it. As it says in the J. B. Phillips version of 1 Peter 5:7, "You can throw the whole weight of your anxieties upon him, for you are his personal concern."

  • The Positive Side of Adversity

    The Positive Side of Adversity

    Here's the problem in a nutshell: our definition of good is what benefits us in the here and now, not in our eternal life to come. In other words, we are interested in what will benefit us temporarily, but God is interested in what will benefit us eternally.