Greg Laurie

Greg Laurie

Op-ed contributor

Greg Laurie is the pastor and founder of the Harvest churches in California and Hawaii and of Harvest Crusades. He is an evangelist, best-selling author and movie producer. His newest book Lennon, Dylan, Alice & Jesus


  • Recipe for a Successful Marriage

    Recipe for a Successful Marriage

    Can a man and a woman fall in love, be married, and live "happily ever after"? Or is that just a fairy tale?

  • True Believers

    True Believers

    When someone who has made a profession of faith suddenly walks away from it (seemingly out of nowhere), the question is often asked, "Did he lose his salvation?"

  • Work It Out

    Work It Out

    During the Gold Rush of the mid-1800s, people came to California from all around the world because they had heard there was "gold in them thar hills." Apparently some people imagined they would arrive and find chunks of gold just lying around in the streets. Well, there was a lot of gold in California back then, but people quickly discovered that the gold wasn't as plentiful as they'd hoped. Yes, a lot of gold was in the mines, but it was necessary to work hard and stay with it in order to find

  • Where World History Ends

    Where World History Ends

    What on earth is happening in the Middle East? It seems that all we hear about in the news from this region is another outburst of violence—or a threat of one.

  • God with Us

    God with Us

    I've seen a number of celebrities in person over the years, and they always seem a little smaller or different than what I expected. It's funny how certain people actually look better in pictures than they do in real life—or look better in real life than they do in pictures. It's strange the way the camera reads people.

  • The Divine Paradox

    The Divine Paradox

    If we have learned nothing else from our culture telling us what we should do to be happy, we have learned this: It is just not true. We have realized where happiness isn't.

  • The Root of the Problem

    The Root of the Problem

    I think we could safely say that so many of the problems we deal with are because of our selfish human natures. Selfishness is at the root of many sins.

  • Unity, Liberty, and Charity

    Unity, Liberty, and Charity

    Have you ever noticed there are some people who like to fight? They like to argue, and they are unhappy when they are happy. So they find something to get worked up about, something new to debate. They love conflict. It's a sad way to live.

  • The Christian's Life Purpose

    The Christian's Life Purpose

    Years ago during a visit with Billy and Ruth Graham, I noticed while we were outside that their dog was continuously going around in circles.

  • The Christian's Life Purpose

    The Christian's Life Purpose

    Years ago during a visit with Billy and Ruth Graham, I noticed while we were outside that their dog was continuously going around in circles.