Althea DeBrule
Christian Career Tools
Handling Life When It Seems All Is Lost
Hopelessness causes despair, a belief that no better way exists of resolving a problem, situation or circumstance. When things are hopeless, we tend to lose our desire to try and therefore just give up. We doubt that any help is possible.
What Makes a Bad Boss Bad?
How does the saying go? "One bad apple spoils the whole barrel." This is never more appropriate than when speaking of a bad boss.Almost every Christian worker has had a negative experience or two working for a bad boss. But, just in case you've managed to escape one, here are some tell-tale signs.
As a Christian, How Do I Follow a Bad Leader?
It seems that the prevailing view of workers these days is one of rebellion and resistance.If they don't agree with the leader or the person in authority, they resist him or her.
Pray for Godly Relationships
For Godly relationships to develop and flourish, we must not reject the truth about ourselves, going regularly to the cross, where the ground is always level and we are met with open arms.
Reap Benefits from Taking Frequent Breaks During a Job Search
It's important to take frequent short breaks when searching for a job.Breaks are simply time-outs to reconsider, reflect and make adjustments to your job search.
Dealing with Job Search Dragons
Job search dragons exist wherever there is disagreement and conflict surrounding any phase of the search process. They are the result of poor communication no matter the reason or timing.
6 Keys to a Successful Job Search
The goal of your job search is to ultimately get a job! There are many things to consider.A successful job search is an effectively managed campaign or personal promotion to assist you in achieving your career goals.
Manage Stress by Controlling Your Anger
When most Christians think of stress, what comes to mind is usually basic information that's not particularly interesting or beneficial. But there's a lot more to stress–especially how anger affects it than just the basics.
Overcoming Self-Doubt in a Job Search
After being laid off it's easy to succumb to self-doubt about being able to find a new job.You may think you don't have what it takes to run a successful job search campaign, so you give into feelings of inadequacy and just don't even try.
Top Career Books
In Finding the Career That Fits You, you will discover the person God made you to be through insightful looks at your personality, skills, life values, and vocational interests. Ellis and Burkett will walk you through the job-search process and give you the confidence you need to start or change your career.