Billy Graham
Christian Post Guest Columnist
Don't Like Religious Hypocrites? Jesus Too!
Q: If Christianity is true, then why are most of the so-called "Christians" I know hypocrites?
Unable to Answer Questions About Faith? Just Testify!
Q: I know I ought to tell others about Jesus and urge them to believe in Him, but the last time I tried I failed so miserably that I haven't attempted it since.
'I am a Christian' - What Should that Mean?
Q: What is your definition of a Christian?
Why Shouldn't I Have Pre-Marital Sex?
Q: Can you give me even one reason why I ought to keep myself sexually pure? I'm 16 ...
When to Share the Gospel with Children
Q: How old does a child have to be before they can understand the Gospel and make their decision to follow Jesus?
Why Did Jesus Go to Hell?
Q: Is this a contradiction? What actually happened to Jesus when He died?
My Parents Won't Let Me Go to Church
I asked Jesus to come into my life this past summer at a camp I was attending. But my parents don't want anything to do with religion and won't even let me go to church.
How Much Sin Can a 'Christian' Get Away With?
My friend claims to be a Christian, and I guess he is, but his lifestyle doesn't seem to be any different from his unreligious friends.
Is the Antichrist Here on Earth Today?
A friend of mine believes that the Antichrist is alive today, and he even thinks he knows who it is. Could he be right?
Gossiper? Commit Your Tongue to Jesus
I do know this: Gossiping can be one of the most destructive and cruelest habits any person can practice.