Eric Metaxas and Roberto Rivera

Op-Ed Contributor


  • The Searchers – (Part 1)

    The Searchers – (Part 1)

    Is it possible that you, as a believer, and your friend, who is a non-believer, could be searching for exactly the same thing?

  • Funding Barbarity: Forced Sterilizations

    Would a Western government fund a coercive sterilization program in a Third World country, all in the name of combatting climate change? Sure it would.

  • Temperance: The Least-Understood Virtue

    Temperance is one of the four cardinal virtues, which the ancients saw as character qualities necessary for people to live a truly good life. It would help to know what temperance is in the first place — and, incredibly, we don't!

  • No Such Thing as Ex-Gay

    Should Christians try to help homosexuals who want to change their sexual orientation? Why is that even a question?

  • Dictators and Baby Girls

    In the newly released film, "The Dictator," the title character is played by shock comedian Sacha Baron Cohen. In one scene, the dictator is informed by his wife that she is pregnant; to which he replies: "Are you having a boy or an abortion?" Yikes!

  • A Wakeup Call for the Church: Young People Saying 'You Lost Me'

    We've all seen the statistics and heard the stories: Good Christian kids go to college, grow disillusioned, and leave the faith. In his new book, "You Lost Me: Why Young Christians Are Leaving Church . . . and Rethinking Faith," David Kinnaman writes, "Overall, there is a 43 percent drop-off between the teen and early adult years in terms of church engagement."

  • Bored to Death? How We Consume Media

    Popular culture, with its emphasis on the new and immediate, reliance on instant accessibility and the casual, time-killing way it is usually consumed, is changing us — and not for the better: We are becoming less reflective, more impatient and easily-bored.

  • Mindless Entertainment at the Movies

    Is there anything wrong with a little mindless entertainment? Well, maybe not, but too many of us are engaging in a lot more than just a little of it.

  • Ghoulish 'Art:' The Body Worlds Exhibit

    Why should we care about how human corpses are treated? Your answer depends on your worldview.

  • Playing the Stooge: Georgetown and Kathleen Sebelius

    How has the nation's oldest Catholic University responded to the HHS mandate? I almost don't want to tell you.