Eric Metaxas

Eric Metaxas

Christian Post Contributor


  • Still a Demon: Dracula and Christianity

    Still a Demon: Dracula and Christianity

    A sign of the times? In movies and on TV, what was once evil becomes if not good, at least sympathetic – or cool. And NBC's "Dracula" is no exception.

  • Pornography: The Addiction No One Wants to Talk About

    Pornography: The Addiction No One Wants to Talk About

    When confronting the scourge of pornography, maybe a little seeing is believing. Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart once famously wrote that while "hard-core pornography" is hard to define, "I know it when I see it." Most of us would agree.

  • He Has Spoken: Replacing Pagan Hermeneutics

    He Has Spoken: Replacing Pagan Hermeneutics

    We're used to the enemies of God's Word mishandling the Bible. But a far worse problem is what its friends do.

  • God Has a Face: The Answer to an Atheist's Longing

    God Has a Face: The Answer to an Atheist's Longing

    No matter what your atheist friends or relatives tell you, they've got deep spiritual longings. And Jesus is the answer to those longings.

  • A Poor Substitute for Marriage: The Downside of Cohabiting

    A Poor Substitute for Marriage: The Downside of Cohabiting

    It seems so logical: live together, see if it works, and then get married. Except things just don't work out that way.

  • Cars, Condo . . . and Spouses? Unattractive Lease Terms

    Cars, Condo . . . and Spouses? Unattractive Lease Terms

    Can you imagine a husband telling his wife the following: "Okay, honey. The lease is up. I'm trading you in." Well, one lawyer can.

  • The Next Chuck Colson? There Are Thousands of Them

    The Next Chuck Colson? There Are Thousands of Them

    "Is Eric Metaxas the Next Chuck Colson?" That was the jarring Washington Post headline a couple of days ago. At least it was jarring to me, because the simple answer is an emphatic NO. But a more nuanced answer would be a very qualified "yes," but I'll get to that in a minute.

  • Carlos Danger and Cheap Grace: No Road to Respectability

    Carlos Danger and Cheap Grace: No Road to Respectability

    How is it that disgraced politicians keep popping back into public life without too much trouble?

  • Recovering Sexual Wholeness: Brushfires Ignites a Spark

    Recovering Sexual Wholeness: Brushfires Ignites a Spark

    As Weiss rightly points out, a lot of the rhetoric about sexuality in Christian circles is characterized by anger and fear over the so-called "porno-culture" and what it's doing to our children and families, and that it may be too late to change anything.

  • Our 'Godless Constitution': The Complicated Truth

    Our 'Godless Constitution': The Complicated Truth

    This Fourth of July, I opened up the New York Times, and whammo! I found an extremely misleading ad sponsored by the Freedom From Religion Foundation. "Celebrate Our Godless Constitution," it read. The ad featured pictures of six founding fathers, and cherry-picked quotes that made it appear that these men were die-hard atheists—or at least, did not approve of Christianity influencing our nascent nation's government.