Greg Stier
Op-ed Contributor
Greg Stier is the Founder and President of Dare 2 Share Ministries International. He has impacted the lives of tens of thousands of Christian teenagers through Dare 2 Share events, motivating and mobilizing them to reach their generation for Christ. He is the author of eleven books and numerous resources, including Dare 2 Share: A Field Guide for Sharing Your Faith. For more information on Dare 2 Share and their upcoming conference tour and training resources, please visit www.dare2share.org.
4 Reasons I'm Convinced We're on the Verge of the Next Great Awakening
I have been a student of sweeping revivals and massive spiritual awakenings since I was in elementary school. Maybe it was how the Gospel transformed my very tough, very urban family from a gang of fist fighters to a group of street preachers almost overnight.
Interview With the Cross-Carrying, World-Traveling, One-of-a-Kind Evangelist Arthur Blessitt
I had the honor of interviewing Arthur Blessitt, the cross-carrying, world traveling, on-fire-for-Jesus evangelist! It was a blast!
If You're Disillusioned With Politics Then Do Something About It
I am an American citizen. As such, I love, respect and honor my country. But I'm very disillusioned with the not-so-United States right now. So what's a Christian to do?
4 Super Effective Ways to Help Graduating Seniors Keep (and Advance) Their Faith in College
High school graduation is upon us and, if statistics ring true, then a majority of teenagers who currently claim to be Christians will abandon their faith sometime after the tassel is turned.
What I Learned From 'Crashing' the National Day of Prayer Observance in Washington
I wasn't invited to The National Day of Prayer Observance in Washington, D.C. I decided to just walk in and see what would happen
7 Simple, Surprising Ways to Help Accelerate Your Teenagers' Spiritual Growth
Instead of another Bible lesson, tackle a tough, culturally relevant question. Then let the conversations begin.
Dear Teenager, Are You Buying the 5 Terrible Lies That Can Lead to Suicide?
After 25+ years of working with teenagers I'm convinced that suicidal thoughts among young people are NOT uncommon.
13 Reasons Why Suicide Is the Worst Option
I have encountered countless suicidal teenagers who think they have lost their reason(s) to live. A small percentage of these teenagers have attempted suicide. A handful of them have succeeded. Every time I hear about a teenager who has ended his or her life, my heart breaks.
5 Surprising Reasons Teens Should Be a Big Part of Your Church's Outreach Strategy
The average teenager has well over 400 online and face-to-face friends. Teenagers can trigger Gospel conversations with scores of other teenagers in an instant. And, if they are trained to navigate these conversations in a loving, intelligent way, then they can powerfully accelerate the spread of the Gospel with their peers.
The Single Biggest Reason Your Youth Ministry Isn't Growing
The bullhorn or the mirror...these are your two choices. You will either use one or the other when you realize your youth ministry has stalled spiritually and/or numerically.