John Stonestreet and Jared Hayden
Op-ed contributor
Dating Unbelievers Deadens Faith
Sex has the power to shape our beliefs, and participating in the romantic and sexual practices of unbelievers can eventually wear down even the strongest faith.
Human Sexuality and the Spirit of the Age: A Statement Abandoning the Faith
Americans, including many Christians, have been swayed by sentiments such as "you can't help who you love," and Lady Gaga's "born this way." What they don't understand is that this was only the tip of an ideological iceberg whose goal was about a lot more than "civil rights, tolerance," or even "legitimacy."
Antifa vs. Free Speech: Politics 'By Any Means Necessary'
An emerging group of radicals on the left has embraced a new belief: that just about any ideas, other than theirs, are not only wrong, but dangerous. And so instead of arguing or debating, they've committed to shut down expression by, and I quote, "any means necessary."
Michael Cromartie (1950-2017): The Apostle to the Fourth Estate
After a brave battle with cancer, Michael Cromartie went home to be with the Lord last week, a loss that all of us here at the Colson Center felt keenly. Cromartie was a leader who set an example of Christian faith in the public square for the rest of us to follow.
Altering Images, Altering Speech, Altering the Imago Dei
Image editing is so common these days, from air brushing to full-on altering, that the old adage "a picture is worth a thousand words," is no longer as true as it once was. Now, new technologies can alter spoken word so that a person can appear to say almost anything. Their goal is to literally put their words into someone's else's mouth.
The Reliability of Scripture
Unlike other faiths, Christianity is rooted in real human history. It tells the story of God's actions in the same world that you and I occupy, as opposed to some mythical "once upon a time." Archaeology and related disciplines are continually confirming the biblical narrative.
Jack Phillips and the Freedom to Be Christian: Dissenting from the Sexual Revolution
We were told the new sexual orthodoxy wouldn't impact anyone who didn't want to endorse it. Well, that was false.
Iceland 'Close to Eradicating Down Syndrome Births': They're Killing, Not Curing
The entire argument for aborting children diagnosed in utero with Down syndrome is based on quality of life. It's not a medical concern. Such children, goes the argument, will live unhappy lives. But if you or a friend has someone with Down syndrome in the family, you know nothing could be further from the truth!
Are Sex and Marriage Issues of Orthodoxy?
A Christian philosopher disagrees with elevating the issue of homosexuality to the level of the o-word (orthodoxy). Adding traditional marriage to the Nicene list of non-negotiable Christian doctrines, he worries, distracts from the life and work of Jesus and reduces Christianity to a set of morals. Is he right?
Suicide and the Logic of Utility: Wrong Worldview, Disastrous Result
Suicide — social isolation is certainly a factor but there's another factor, one that's critically important. "In a meritocratic age, we are valued for our usefulness." So what happens to students when they don't nail that SAT or make the varsity team?