Karen Gushta
Op-Ed Contributor
Gift Envy
As I drove my sister to the airport after her Thanksgiving visit, she shared that she was reading a book on the spiritual gifts. One of the blocks to exercising our gifts, the author noted, is "gift envy."
A Call to Oneness
As an evangelical African-American, Dr. Tony Evans has much to say to white evangelicals about the racial divide inside the church in America. Oneness Embraced is a call to the church to "oneness," which, Evans says, "glorifies God like nothing else because it reflects His image through His triune nature like nothing else."
Affirming Biblical Marriage – by Word and Deed
Those who are now dancing in celebration over the Supreme Court's decisions may think that our nation is now set on a course toward the inevitable federal mandate of same-sex marriage. That assumption rests on foundations of sand.
Stop the Violence Against the Unborn
If we are to protect the lives of the innocent from those who devise evil, we must shift the focus from a manufactured right of women to "control their own bodies" to the very real Constitutional right to life of the unborn.
What Should a Mother Do?
Any young woman or teen who gets pregnant out-of-wedlock faces three choices: abort her baby; keep her baby, or release her baby for adoption. How she decides will impact her and her baby and in many cases it will affect the man who fathered the child as well.
Praying for Revival – To Start With Me
Contentment is the antidote to covetousness, and it is the foundation for service to others. For when we are content in Christ our focus moves away from ourselves and on to others. Instead of looking inward and thinking of what we lack, we look upward to Christ and outward to others to see what they need.
The Philadelphia (Horror) Story
There's one horror story unfolding in the news that I think everyone should be following. That's the story of the trial of former abortionist, Kermit Gosnell. The horror story of Gosnell's activities in his West Philadelphia abortion center should be getting major network news coverage. But it is not.
Jesus Is Coming Back — But Not as Saturday Night Live Depicted
By using Jesus as their foil, SNL played off the one characteristic most people associate with Jesus, His forgiveness. The skit "works" because Jesus is portrayed, in satiric fashion, in a way that is inconsistent with His character.
Today's Equivalent to Roman Bread and Circuses
What's the modern equivalent of the Roman emperors' bread and circuses? Here's my suggestion: beer and porn. It occurred to me that the DOJ is more concerned about keeping the price of beer down than limiting the number of pornographers.
Pornography's Tragic Price
This is not a subject I enjoy writing about. Yet it is so serious, that as Christians, I believe we need to shine a light on it and do our utmost to combat it. It's not "someone else's problem." It's a problem that is corroding the soul of America and it has probably touched the life of someone you know.