Conservative Women Give Fiorina a Boost

Donald Trump may be leading in many national polls, but he lags far behind in a poll gauging his popularity among a key demographic — women.
According to a straw poll of those attending the National Federation of Republican Women's recent convention, Carly Fiorina is trouncing Trump among GOP women. A whopping 27% of respondents named her as their first choice, but a mere 14% favored Donald Trump. After Fiorina's stellar performance in last week's debate, my guess is that gap will widen even more.
And, it's no wonder. Fiorina is winsome, articulate and classy. She's everything every mother hopes her daughters will be. The Donald is offensive, vulgar and juvenile. He's everything every mother hopes her sons will not to be.
But, beyond that, Fiorina has real substance on the issues. Whether it's foreign policy, national defense, the economy or social issues, Fiorina articulates a smart and bold vision for the future. And, it's one that's especially appealing to women.