
'American Crime' Season 2 Cast News, Update: Regina King Returns as A Series Regular

New casting update for the upcoming second installment of ABC's hit anthology drama series "American Crime" indicated that cast member Regina King is returning as a series regular.

A report from TV Line pointed out the network's announcement on the promotion of the actress who played the character Aliyah Shadeed, an Islam convert, in the freshman season.

King will be joined by other series regulars including Felicity Huffman (as Barbara Hanlon) and Timothy Hutton (Russ Skokie) in the sophomore season.

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"Michael McDonald and I couldn't be more excited to have Regina back for Season 2 of American Crime," series creator John Ridley said in a statement. "She's phenomenal in all regards, and is going to be at the center of a story that deals with physicality, sexuality and societal boundaries with the same urgency as our first season dealt with race and faith. We've been blessed with the opportunity to speak on subjects as no other show does, and a cast which can do so with such a high degree of emotional honesty."

Like FX's "American Horror Story" anthology, "American Crime" Season 2 will tackle on an entirely new story which will take place at an elite prep school in the Midwest.

According to Ridley, the upcoming season will "deal with gender issues, sexual orientation and sexual identity."

"It's going to be a whole different set of circumstances," he continued. "We're hoping that we can not only make it provocative, but humanize people as well. If there's one thing that American Crime did very well, it took issues that are generally just a headline and put faces on them. I'm hoping we can do that in the second season."

"American Crime" Season 2 is slated to premiere in 2016.

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