Getting out of a pit — with Christ's help!

This is certainly true for most of us suffering from the effects of COVID-19. This pandemic is the greatest “pit” many have ever experienced, and it comes with great losses — loss of a loved one, loss of a job, loss of freedom or loss of security.
But this won’t be the last pit of life we face. Right now, COVID-19 is our collective pit, but pits come in all shapes and sizes — divorce, abuse, addiction, self-violence, depression, bankruptcy, death, poverty and more.
Jesus assured us that we will have trouble in this world. I know that I feel like I’ve had my fair share, and I realize that my trials are a breeze in comparison to some. But still, if we are to have trouble, I find it more freeing to know as much as we can about those pits before we fall into them. Just as God instructed us to be ever watchful for Satan’s evil tactics, I think it is prudent to learn about life’s pits.
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