Ray Comfort Illustrates Eternity for Nonbelievers in Post-New Year Message

New Zealand-born evangelist Ray Comfort is best known by many for street evangelism in which he asks people about God, the Bible, sin and salvation. And on Tuesday the minister continued sharing the promise of eternity in Heaven for believers in a post-New Year's Day Facebook message to his followers.
Comfort's post, in it entirety, can be read below:
"Some people have the idea that Christians will spend eternity sitting on clouds playing rusty harps. If that's all I hoped for, I wouldn't be a Christian. The hope I have is not nebulous; it is concrete. It is an 'anchor of the soul,' and is both sure and steadfast. Here is my hope. Consider the beauty of this massive Earth. Think of a majestic snowcapped mountain, a clear babbling brook, or a beautiful beach with clean white sand and turquoise waters filled with an amazing array of brightly colored fish.
The pristine waters reflect a clear blue sky, and the beach is surrounded with tall, lush palm trees. Think of magnificent California redwoods or of the incredible assortment of tasty fruit trees, or the breathtaking beauty of a sunset, or the magnificence of the Grand Canyon or Niagara Falls. Got it in mind?
Now consider this. All who repent and trust in Jesus Christ, whether Jew or Gentile, black or white, male or female, rich or poor, will 'inherit the Earth.' God has given it to us, and it will be ours for eternity. God's spiritual Kingdom came to this Earth on the day of Pentecost, and the time will come when the literal Kingdom will come to this Earth.
God will replace this cursed and fallen creation with a new Heavens and a new Earth, and God's will, will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. We not only escape Hell, but, by God's grace, we get Heaven on Earth. What an unspeakably incredible future we have! We are going to see God and fellowship with Him forever, in a 'world without end,' where we will have 'pleasures forevermore.'
If you are not saved, please think about your sins, and then think about the Savior. Think about what He did for you on the cross, because if you die in your sins, you will not only miss out on the pleasures of Heaven on Earth, but you will have to endure an everlasting hell, and that would be an unspeakable tragedy."
Comfort followed up his message with an encouragement to believers about the distractions that come from the cares of life, urging Christians to look to eternity.
"All around us, people are concerned with things that don't matter in the light of eternity. They are more concerned with what they will have for dinner than they are about where they will spend eternity. God isn't in their thoughts," he continued. "They have no concept of the eternal. But you do. You know what awaits them. So, take the initiative. Look into eternity."
Comfort's work also include the mini series "The Way of the Master" and films "180: Changing the Heart of a Nation" and "Noah and the Last Days."
His last film "Audacity" took on the subject of homosexuality and Christianity, and seeks to answer the question of whether or not Christians should share the truth of the Bible with the LGBT community even if it's frowned upon.