5 Economic Triumphs for the US Under Trump
4) Food Stamps Down by 2 Million

According to U.S. Department of Agriculture data, the number of participants in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, also known as food stamps, dropped to 42.1 million for fiscal 2017, which is a decline of 2 million from the fiscal 2016 total of 44.2 million, as reported by Fox News.
The program went from costing taxpayers about $250 million for about 2.8 million recipients in 1969, under President Richard Nixon, to nearly $80 billion for roughly 48 million recipients in 2013, under President Barack Obama, according to USDA figures.
President Trump has indicated that eligibility rules for SNAP need to be tightened and states should be asked to contribute matching funds for the program to continue to reduce the number of recipients, according to Governing.com.