
Apple Watch 3 Rumors: Sleep-Tracking Function to be Featured?

The upcoming Apple Watch Series 3 could come with a major update, if the company's latest business move is any indication.

The Cupertino-based tech company recently acquired Beddit, a Finnish company that specializes in sleep-tracking devices and apps for iOS devices. Although Apple did not announce the acquisition, Beddit's own Privacy Policy incidentally leaked the information, according to a report by CNBC.

According to Beddit's Privacy Policy, the company will collect, use, and disclose information obtained through the app "in accordance with the Apple Privacy Policy." The app makers also mentioned that the related data that it collects, such as heart rate and respiratory data, can be shared with Apple's health app.

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Beddit is among the more popular sleep trackers in Apple's App store. When the app is paired with a device that slips under the sheets, the app can track the quality of a person's sleep, including heart rate and how many breaths a person takes per minute during sleep. The app can also track snoring and can determine whether the environment is ideal for a good night's rest.

If Apple plans to utilize Beddit's expertise for its next-gen Apple Watch, rumored to launch in the second half of 2017, it is very likely that the iOS wristwear will finally be able to track sleep metrics.

According to Trusted Reviews, it remains unclear how Apple can adapt Beddit's technology to the new Apple Watch. However, given that most sleep-tracking wearables rely on internal sensors to track sleep rather than using a separate device, the most likely method Apple has in mind is to utilize Beddit's experience and engineering prowess to create a superior sensor that can be put inside the Apple Watch 3.

At present, the Apple Watch Series 3's features remain shrouded in mystery, but the tech giant may be looking to position the Apple Watch as a fitness and health tracker, bundling more health features into the current model as of late.

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