
Is 'Black Mirror' Season 4 the Last Installment? Charlie Brooker Talks Series End

"Black Mirror" season 4 launches six episodes this December on Netflix. Is this, however, the last season in the series? Creator Charlie Brooker talks about the show's end in a recent interview.

Brooker and his fellow executive producer Annabel Jones won't say if this upcoming season will be the last time viewers get new episodes of "Black Mirror." Fans speculated that the series will fold up because of one episode in season 4, which has the title "Black Museum."

"People said that [it would end] on the set [for Black Museum] because they were worried about the script," Brooker shared. "I think 'Black Museum' refers to almost every episode we've ever done."

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Fans assumed that the episode is Brooker's love letter to his show, which could mean he's saying goodbye to "Black Mirror." He and Jones, however, reiterated that things are still open for discussions with Netflix.

Meanwhile, the rest of the episodes of "Black Mirror" season 4 are titled "USS Callister," "ArkAngel," "Crocodile," "Hang the DJ" and "Metalhead." Jodie Foster directed one of these installments, which focuses on a mother-daughter relationship and the implications of looking out for a child using technology.

"In some ways, the technology has outpaced our ethics and the ability for us to understand the monster that we've created," Foster stated. "[Technology] is just doing what we asked it to do and that's the part we have to be careful of."

The "USS Callister" episode, on the other hand, is a parody of the cult series "Star Trek." Toby Haynes directed stars Jessie Plemons ("Fargo"), Christina Milioti ("How I Met Your Mother"), Jimmi Simpson ("Westworld") and Michaela Coel ("Chewing Gum") in this offering.

"Black Mirror" premiered on British television in 2011. After two seasons, Netflix got the rights to distribute the show on its platform, as well as produce new episodes.

The show's season 1 to 3 continues streaming on Netflix. Season 4 will finally launch on Friday, Dec. 29, beginning 3:00 a.m. EST.


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