
Study Shows Daily Consumption of Walnuts Help in Healthy Ageing

The popular expression "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" has made a lot of people maintain an inclusion of an apple in their daily diet. But for those who are getting old already, a new study says that walnuts are the best to consume every day. According to a report by Telegraph, eating walnuts daily can help in preventing common health issues that are linked with old age.

The findings of the study also revealed that the genus Juglans-grown nut has a nutritional component that helps in improving the blood cholesterol levels and maintaining good gut health, as noted in NDTV Food. This means that walnuts are not just nuts but a type of super food that offers incredible health impact especially among the particular age group.

As detailed in The Indian Express, the study was presented by the researches from the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona and Loma Lina University during a health conference in San Diego. The study went on for two years and they tested a total number of 707 healthy older adults. With the group split into two, one cluster consumed walnuts as 15 percent of their daily calorific intake while the other one did not eat any of it. There was no instruction with regards to the total calorie and macronutrient intake or food substation for walnuts.

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After 12 months, the results gained by the researchers showed that both groups had the same results for weight gain, triglycerides and HDL or good cholesterol. However, one noted result from those who consumed the walnuts for a year showed a significant decrease in their LDL or bad cholesterol.

"Acquiring the good fats and other nutrients from walnuts while keeping adiposity at bay and reducing blood cholesterol levels are important to overall nutritional well-being of ageing adults," said Spanish researcher Dr. Emilio Ros. He also said that they will make further research on whether walnut intake may help in cognitive decline and age-related macular degeneration.

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