
Teen Mom Banned: Caitlin Tiller Photo Blocked From Yearbook for 'Promoting Teen Pregnancy' (VIDEO)

A teen mom has been banned from having her photo put in her high school yearbook in North Carolina after officials believed it would promote teen pregnancies, according to reports.

Teen mom Caitlin Tiller is reported to have taken a photo of herself into school for her yearbook. However, the photo she brought in had her holding her one year old, Leelin.

According to KLTV, the school would not accept the photo with the child in, and decided to reject her photo and block Caitlin from the schoolbook just days before it was due to be printed and released.

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Tiller graduated from Wheatmore High School last December and is currently working 30 hours a week to support her son while attending college.

Despite the challenges of being a teen mom, Tiller has said that she is proud and would not be who she is today without her son.

She said: "I wouldn't be the person I am today with out him … So I brought my son, thinking that he could be in the yearbook with me and two days before the book was due I find out he can't be in."

The teen mom has claimed that she was told by the school that the photo was banned because it promoted teen pregnancy.

However, Tiller refuses to allow people to make her feel as if she is a failure or has a life that others should avoid. Tiller instead believes that she could be a good role model for other teen moms who are facing the challenges of raising children despite their own young age.

Tiller said: "They should be proud that the students are willing to stay in school and graduate and make something of their self and not try and hide it."

Here is a video news report into the incident:

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