Unbiblical Christianity and its dangers

There are many Christians today whose faith is not firmly rooted in the Word of God. Some of them practice Christianity that is based on their culture and societal trends in which they find themselves. The Word of God is seldom applied to their lives and whenever it does, it’s always twisted to suit their needs or wants. Even some preachers have become selective in what they choose to include in their public teachings from Scripture. They tell people only what they want to hear and ignore the parts of the Bible that upset the hearers.
Biblical Christianity relies on the Bible to understand everything about the Christian faith. The Bible is supposed to be the official constitution of all believers. The Bible is the code of conduct and way of life of every Christian. Everything we do should be judged by the Bible as our ultimate standard, and where there is a conflict, the Bible should have the final say on any issue.
The early church functioned as a biblically-centered institution from the get-go. The Berean Christians did not fully accept the message of Paul and Barnabas until they confirmed that it was biblically compliant (Acts 17:11). All the moral failures in the Body of Christ today are the result of the adoption of unbiblical Christianity by people who worship their own lusts and desires above God.
Christianity is losing its power and respect because of the emergence of this trend all over the world. There is now little or no difference between the world and some churches. We have forgotten that even though we live in this world, we are not of the world (John 17:16).
I recently read an op-ed on The Christian Post titled, “Teachers needed. Biblical Christians need not apply.” This shows that some organizations are avoiding hiring Christians because true Christians do not bow down to the evil system of this world. It is clear that even corporations know the difference between biblical Christians and unbiblical Christians.
I have recently mediated a settlement between two Christians who were having problems concerning a business transaction. When I told them to use Scripture as their standard of ascertaining how profits should be made in a business transaction, one of them outrightly challenged me and said that the Bible has no nothing to say about such matters. I couldn’t believe my ears. If a professing Christian can assert that the Word of God is irrelevant to his everyday life, then something has gone very wrong. This flavor of Christianity is indistinguishable from atheism!
Gospel-less Christianity, comfortable Christianity, liberal Christianity, and cultural Christianity are all products of unbiblical Christianity. Social vices among believers gained their roots from the practice of Christianity that does not recognize the Word of God as the only acceptable principle and guideline that governs the lives of Christians. Our faith should be based firmly on the word of God. A form of Christianity that is not biblical is not true Christianity and should be avoided by anyone who desires to follow Christ.
Oscar Amaechina is the president of Afri-Mission and Evangelism Network, Abuja, Nigeria. His calling is to take the gospel to where no one has neither preached nor heard about Jesus. He is the author of the book Mystery Of The Cross Revealed.