Why Christian unity is a necessity in a time like this

Lately, Christianity has been experiencing one of the worse periods of persecution in recent memory. The degree of persecution may vary, but a close look will expose latent intimidation, harassment, or suppression of Christians.
The desire of Christ is that Christians all over the world should be knitted together in service to God and humanity. After all, Jesus left us with the instruction that we should always strive to be unified (John 17:21). Unfortunately, denominationalism, racism, ethnicism, and other ideologies, have been slowly dividing the body of Christ. I’ve been shocked to discover that even in the local assembly of the same denomination in Nigeria, we are divided along ethnic lines. Worshippers seem to be more comfortable relating and doing things with people that are of the same ethnic group.
Denominational barriers have built walls that have caused so much division that many have started asking if Christ is divided. These denominational frictions and divisions are so egregious that some churches are now known as “living” and “dead” churches.
We are equally divided along geographical lines. When northern Christians are attacked, the southern Christians go about their normal businesses as if nothing happened. I recently met a pastor of southern extraction to discuss evangelism strategies in Nigeria. He agreed to support our missionaries but advised us to avoid the northern part of the country. According to him, "the Gospel of Christ is not for the northerners". If a custodian of the Gospel could say this, what do we expect from members of the Pews?
The unity that we should desire among Christians should not be passive, but active. I am not just talking about absence of frictions and divisions among us; I am talking about deliberate effort to maintain unity, care for one another, speak the same language, and bear one another’s burdens.
The Spirit of one accord offers powerful protection. As Proverbs 11:14 says: "Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.” Our coming together will ensure that no part of us will lack counsel in times of need. If we can stand side by side with one purpose, we will be able to resist the devil and bring the Gospel to the lost.
The early church understood the secret of standing fast in one spirit and striving together with one mind (Acts 4:32). We stand the chance of experiencing a reawakening and mighty global revival if all Christians should come together in one spirit and one accord and uphold one another in prayers and Intercessions. The time has come for the philosophy that holds one denomination, one race, or one ethnic group superior over the other, to be eliminated in the body of Christ worldwide.
The Indivisible unity of Christians worldwide is a sure defense against all the terroristic onslaughts of the devil. If we are all partakers of the Spirit of Christ, then we need to stand fast in the same Spirit. When one Christian is murdered in Africa, the entire global Christian community should feel the pain. The Persecution of an American Christian baker should give all Christians a new reason to pray. When a preacher on the streets of Europe is arrested, Christians all over the world should feel chained. If we want to see the hand of God in our dark times, we must come together and strive to maintain the unity of God’s Kingdom.
Oscar Amaechina is the president of Afri-Mission and Evangelism Network, Abuja, Nigeria. His calling is to take the gospel to where no one has neither preached nor heard about Jesus. He is the author of the book Mystery Of The Cross Revealed.