Althea DeBrule

Christian Career Tools


  • Avoid Making a Bad Impression When Applying for a Job

    After examining hundreds of applications, I have encountered countless resumes and cover letters that have destroyed any chance of an applicant getting an interview.

  • 8 Tips for Marketing Yourself Graciously

    Here are the 8 tips for marketing yourself graciously: Instead of talking about what you did, talk about the difference it made.

  • The Blessings and Rewards of Rest

    I will be refreshed, replenished, and will recover my strength when I turn over my work and activities to Christ.

  • 3 Main Principles of Resting in God Alone

    I\'m on a quest - a quest for REST. This is so very important to me because I\'ve recently come to realize that REST eludes me because of a driven personality

  • Take a Career Walk

    As a Christian, you are called to a higher standard of entrusting your career to the Lord, seeking His guidance

  • Tips to Budge a Stalled Career

    Are You Frustrated with Doing the Same Thing Over and Over at Work? Do you view your career as a dead-end that must be endured? If so, you may be the victim of a stalled career.