Brian C. Stiller

CP Guest Contributor


  • Canada's Aboriginal, First Nations and Idle No More Mov't

    Canada's Aboriginal, First Nations and Idle No More Mov't

    Our attitudes as Canadians accumulate, fester and harden. I understand that too well in observing the aboriginal and First Nations' Idle No More movement. Fed up with a double standard of aboriginal leaders who want more funds yet seem incompetent and irresponsible in their own management, many simply shut down listening.

  • Louie Giglio and How the White House Spells Diversity

    The Rev. Louie Giglio was pressured to withdraw because his views on a particular sexual practice were not in line; he was seen not to be "fair-minded," a not surprising comment when pluralism is set aside as the functioning model of public life.

  • Christmas Eve – The Misnomer of an Overcrowded Inn

    Retold by Christmas pageants, reminded by carols and pictures replenish what we think happened at Jesus' birth. I know it so well I hardly need a sermon, picture, movie or song to remind me of a pregnant Mary riding a donkey, about to deliver; a village with inns filled to capacity; a kindly innkeeper finding a stable for rest; shepherds arriving at a barn to welcome the Christ-child. The overall narrative has it right, but the core assumption is so wrong as to miss an essential part of the stor

  • Why Evil?

    A framework for discussion (called theodicy – why God allows evil and suffering) matters for those in Newtown and us on the sidelines, as we grieve and wonder. Why doesn't God who is loving and all powerful eliminate evil?

  • What Newtown and Bethlehem Have in Common

    While the excruciating ache of parents and family in the Connecticut town is beyond words, most come to a breathless, gut-wrenching moment somewhere along the way. What does the Christmas story have to say to us then? Its very beginning was shaped by the massacre of little children.

  • Why Islamic Rage Over Burning the Quran?

    Months ago, we watched in amazement as Islamic believers killed Christians after "Pastor" Jones in Florida had his own burning of the Qur'an. More recently, explosive-filled trucks, suicide bombers, gun-firing civilians and Afghani soldiers have led murderous charges based on reports that soldiers burned Qur'ans. We are incredulous. Why this intense rage?

  • Evangelicals and the US Election: A View From the Outside

    How is it that Evangelicals figure so prominently in the current Republican race for its presidential candidate? That question both intrigues and troubles Evangelicals outside the United States. In their drive to secure votes, have Republican politicians turned Evangelicals into just another political subgroup, alongside seniors or gun owners?