Michael Brown

Michael Brown

Op-ed Contributor

Dr. Michael Brown (www.askdrbrown.org) is the host of the nationally syndicated Line of Fire radio program. His latest book is Evangelicals at the Crossroads: Will We Pass the Trump Test? Connect with him on FacebookTwitter, or YouTube.


  • When pro-abortion doublespeak puts Orwell to shame

    When pro-abortion doublespeak puts Orwell to shame

    Those who oppose bills like the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act do so because they believe the bill is designed to undercut a woman’s “right” to abortion, and they will protect that “right” at almost all costs.

  • God uses imperfect people

    God uses imperfect people

    The bottom line is that God uses imperfect people because that’s all He has to work with.

  • The joker got pregnant. Is anyone surprised?

    The joker got pregnant. Is anyone surprised?

    We know that comic book writers do not live in an abstract world devoid of cultural and moral values. To the contrary, many of them are quite socially aware and use comics to convey a larger message. There’s nothing surprising about that at all, nor is this something hidden.

  • It’s great to see the NFL so spiritual, but . . .

    It’s great to see the NFL so spiritual, but . . .

    May the open show of spirituality that has suddenly emerged across the country, receiving widespread praise rather than criticism, continue to grow until millions have come to know Jesus for themselves.

  • Damar Hamlin reminds us that Americans pray in times of crisis

    Damar Hamlin reminds us that Americans pray in times of crisis

    We hope and pray Damar Hamlin makes a full and even miraculous recovery. And may those who ignore or even scorn the idea of God think again. Eternity is always just one step away. Then what?

  • Major scientific study confirms what we all knew about male, female

    Major scientific study confirms what we all knew about male, female

    Men and women do exist, and there are differences between the two.

  • A liberal professor admits to the leftist takeover of America

    A liberal professor admits to the leftist takeover of America

    We said these days were coming, the fruit of the sexual revolution of the 1960s, empowered especially by LGBTQ+ radicalism. And we have said that things will only get worse unless we make a radical course correction. Will you listen to us now?

  • Returning to our first love for the Lord

    Returning to our first love for the Lord

    Amidst endless speculation about resets and shifts, both natural and spiritual, the message that resonates most with me is simple. It is back to the basics. It is making the main thing the main thing.

  • When thinking a prayer became a crime

    When thinking a prayer became a crime

    Yes, she was questioned as to whether she had been praying in her own mind. This is not made up. This is not the figment of Christian paranoia. This is what literally took place.

  • No, no, no. I will never accept this as normal

    No, no, no. I will never accept this as normal

    Let us call it out for what it is. And let us not stop speaking up and speaking out until the tide turns and sanity prevails. Do we really have a choice?