Michael Brown

Michael Brown

Op-ed Contributor

Dr. Michael Brown (www.askdrbrown.org) is the host of the nationally syndicated Line of Fire radio program. His latest book is Evangelicals at the Crossroads: Will We Pass the Trump Test? Connect with him on FacebookTwitter, or YouTube.


  • College professors who promote pedophilia

    College professors who promote pedophilia

    What a dreadful day that will be for those who support adult-child sex. (And let us never forget the children who have been brutally victimized!)

  • Does ‘affirmative action’ have a place in nominating supreme court justices?

    Does ‘affirmative action’ have a place in nominating supreme court justices?

    What if all nine Supreme Court justices were white women? Or black men? What if they were Hispanic? Or Asian American? Or Jewish? Would that rightly reflect our nation? Would it even feel right?

  • I will stop crying out when the transanity stops

    I will stop crying out when the transanity stops

    As long as children’s lives are being destroyed. As long as girls are being exposed to male genitalia in their locker rooms (and sexually assaulted in their bathrooms). As long as female athletes are forced to compete with males. As long as this is going on, I will keep crying out.

  • A lesson in inspiration and determination from tennis great Rafael Nadal

    A lesson in inspiration and determination from tennis great Rafael Nadal

    But there’s some natural inspiration we can draw from Nadal’s amazing victory as well — a true, feel-good story — so take courage and be encouraged. A big, surprising victory could be nearer than you know, even when things look grim.

  • COVID, fear and demons

    COVID, fear and demons

    Is there something to COVID-19 that is beyond physical? Is there an additional assault on the mind and emotions, producing an inordinate fear of death?

  • Brady Goodwin renounced his faith. Here is my response.

    Brady Goodwin renounced his faith. Here is my response.

    But what about the points he makes in his video? What about the feeling that we can basically make the Bible say whatever we want it to say? Or that it’s our prior theological commitments that determine how we understand Scripture?

  • Never forget that the Gospel is made for hard times

    Never forget that the Gospel is made for hard times

    Let us live, right here and right now, in this victory. The Gospel was made for hard times. And so were you.

  • 11 years later: Can we still turn the tide?

    11 years later: Can we still turn the tide?

    Do we really have a choice? Can we simply sit back and let gender anarchy rule the day? What will we say to our children and grandchildren? How will we explain to them that it was on our watch that “Mother and Father” became “Parent A and Parent B”?

  • Thoughts on Australia’s decision to deport tennis star Novak Djokovic

    Thoughts on Australia’s decision to deport tennis star Novak Djokovic

    So, the world’s number-one ranked tennis player, in pursuit of another title that would have pushed him ahead of his revered colleagues Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal, should be banned from playing in Australia lest his potential victory encourage others not to get vaccinated or wear a mask. Really?

  • My totally candid reflections on the COVID vaccinations

    My totally candid reflections on the COVID vaccinations

    I find it abhorrent when people mock its reality — a tendency I find primarily in our conservative circles — as if it was some kind of phantom virus or creation of the media or the government or nothing more than the flu. Please.