Michael Brown

Michael Brown

Op-ed Contributor

Dr. Michael Brown (www.askdrbrown.org) is the host of the nationally syndicated Line of Fire radio program. His latest book is Evangelicals at the Crossroads: Will We Pass the Trump Test? Connect with him on FacebookTwitter, or YouTube.


  • Elon Musk’s stick figures and our nation’s standards

    Elon Musk’s stick figures and our nation’s standards

    What can we learn from Elon Musk’s apparent shift to the right in his politics? From his perspective, as illustrated in his stick figure tweet, he has not shifted at all. Instead, the left has veered further left, because of which, by remaining stationary in his own views, it is perceived that he has moved to the right.

  • Pastors, you cannot be silent

    Pastors, you cannot be silent

    And, if I may be totally candid, one reason that we are in the midst of this very real crisis which is affecting millions and millions of people is that, for all too many years, we have failed to address the relevant biblical and cultural issues.

  • It's much easier to condemn past generations than to judge our own

    It's much easier to condemn past generations than to judge our own

    If we had been Christians living in Europe during the Holocaust, are we sure that we would not have looked the other way rather than risked our lives to save our Jewish neighbors?

  • Coming to terms with the all out assault on our children

    Coming to terms with the all out assault on our children

    To repeat: there really is an all-out war on our children. We can hardly overstate it and we dare not ignore it.

  • Donald Trump, the media and the principle of ‘don’t trust, verify’

    Donald Trump, the media and the principle of ‘don’t trust, verify’

    When it comes to media reporting today, the saying, “Don’t trust, verify” has never been more relevant. Quite literally, you simply cannot trust what you read or even see without digging deeper and verifying.

  • University campuses: Free speech for me but not for thee

    University campuses: Free speech for me but not for thee

    But what makes the firing of Widdowson all the more egregious is that those on the left are allowed to engage in all kinds of outrageous hate speech without any penalty in the least or, certainly, without losing their job.

  • Should we love our enemies even during a time of war?

    Should we love our enemies even during a time of war?

    In the case of someone who committed war crimes and would be sentenced to prison or death, even then, you would him to repent and get right with God before he died.

  • From Time’s 'Is God dead?' in 1966 to The New York Times’ call to 'Give Up God' today

    From Time’s 'Is God dead?' in 1966 to The New York Times’ call to 'Give Up God' today

    I came to faith that very year as a heroin-shooting, LSD-using, 16-year-old, Jewish, hippie rock drummer, one of countless thousands like me around the world. God was anything but dead!

  • Warner Bros. won’t say gay in China

    Warner Bros. won’t say gay in China

    It would seem, then, that for Hollywood, the mantra is, “In the USA, we must say gay, no matter who we alienate and offend. But when it comes to China, where our financial losses will be much steeper, we mustn’t say gay at all, especially in a children’s movie, lest we offend.”

  • Substitutionary atonement: Jesus died for us

    Substitutionary atonement: Jesus died for us

    Jesus took your place on the cross — a place we all deserved — so that you could have a place with Him forever. Call on Him today to save you from your sins, and let that new life begin right now.