Pastor who holds Guinness World Record for longest tenure dies

A pastor who set a Guinness World Record for his remarkable 72-year tenure at a church in Texas has died at age 94.
The late Rev. Dr. Doris Nathaniel Benford Sr. was known for his lengthy service at the Rising Star Missionary Baptist Church in Texas City and his passionate dedication to his congregation.
"It is with saddened hearts that we announce the homegoing of our beloved pastor, father, grandfather and so many other wonderful things to us. Rev. D. N. Benford, Sr. has transitioned to be with the Lord," the church announced on Facebook April 15. "He has fought a long hard fight for the Lord, and He has called him home to be with Him!"
The church held a homegoing service for Benford on Saturday morning.
Benford was honored by the Guinness Book of World Records in October 2022 for "Longest tenure as pastor of the same church." When the record was verified, Benford held the position for 72 years and 61 days.
Benford began preaching at the Rising Star Missionary Baptist Church at age 20 in 1950 and never left the pulpit for over 70 years.
Benford began his preaching journey at 14, delivering his first sermon on Dec. 25, 1944.
"In 1947, Rev. D.N. Benford was visiting a friend in Texas City, Texas, by the name of Rev. FM Johnson. Rev. Johnson was scheduled to preach at Rising Star Missionary Baptist Church (as a guest pastor) but he was sick. Rev. Johnson asked Rev. Benford if he would preach in his place," the Guinness website states. "After Rev. Benford preached, Rising Star Missionary Baptist Church was pleased and told Rev. Benford that if they were ever in need of a pastor, they would contact him, because they were impressed by his teaching/preaching."
"By 1950, Rising Star Missionary Baptist Church was in search of a pastor for their church," the website reads. "They search for Rev. Benford, Sr. and when they found him, they asked if he would come and preach for Rising Star Missionary Baptist Church again and he did that on the 3rd Sunday in June of 1950. On August 27, 1950, they reached out to Rev. Benford again and this time the membership voted him as the new pastor of Rising Star Missionary Baptist Church of Texas City, Texas."
On Easter Sunday 2024, Benford delivered his final sermon in the church's sanctuary, according to Fox26.
"It's just unbelievable," his daughter Mokysha Benford was quoted as saying. "He's lived a beautiful life."
During his extensive ministry, Benford made a significant impact on the community. He is known for his outreach efforts and his work with the church's youth.
"He was known at times for putting the megaphones on his van, telling the community to go vote," daughter Yolanda Proctor told Fox26.
He was also actively involved in helping the needy, providing food and clothing, and organizing events for families.
Benford would often drive the church bus to take families and children on field trips and vacations. With the church, his family traveled as far as Detroit and California on these trips.
Benford's children remember him as a role model who instilled strong values. His son Thomas Benford, a graduate of Rice University and Harvard Business School, credited his father and mother for providing a solid foundation for a productive life.
In tribute to his legacy, the church's leadership said his chair in the pulpit will remain covered for 30 days.