Richard D. Land

Richard D. Land

Christian Post Executive Editor

Dr. Richard Land, BA (magna cum laude), Princeton; D.Phil. Oxford; and Th.M., New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, was president of the Southern Baptists’ Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (1988-2013) and has served since 2013 as president of Southern Evangelical Seminary in Charlotte, NC. Dr. Land has been teaching, writing, and speaking on moral and ethical issues for the last half century in addition to pastoring several churches.


  • Liturgical calendar: A discipleship resource

    Liturgical calendar: A discipleship resource

    My continuing walk as a “Christ-follower” has led me to overcome that “blind spot” in my Christian experience and to come to a new appreciation for the great opportunities afforded by the Liturgical Calendar for helping both believers and non-believers understand the foundational truths of the Christian faith.

  • The true meaning of Easter

    The true meaning of Easter

    Today is Good Friday, the day Jesus, the Son of God was crucified. It is called “Good Friday” because it was followed by the Resurrection of Jesus that we celebrate every Easter Sunday morning.

  • The Will Smith event: Why it matters

    The Will Smith event: Why it matters

    It is certainly not hard to understand that when Chris Rock made the tasteless and hurtful joke about Will’s wife Jada’s appearance (hair loss as a consequence of alopecia), it triggered all those emotions of rage, shame, and misplaced guilt. All of a sudden, when his wife expressed her pain, he was that 9-year-old boy again, and “By God, I’m not going to fail my loved one again,” and he jumped up and acted.

  • An Evangelical’s appreciation of Madeleine Albright

    An Evangelical’s appreciation of Madeleine Albright

    As word came to me a few days ago of the death of Madeleine Albright (1937-2022), who served as Secretary of State (1997-2001), a flood of pleasant memories came rushing back to consciousness.

  • The real Jesus is revealed and authenticated by the New Testament

    The real Jesus is revealed and authenticated by the New Testament

    The surface emotional appeal of the statement that our faith “rises and falls” on the person of Jesus, not the Bible is clear. However, in reality, what this sentiment does is set up a false dichotomy between Jesus and the New Testament.

  • Is the ‘spirit of 1776’ imperiled?

    Is the ‘spirit of 1776’ imperiled?

    The “Spirit of 1776” does live in Ukraine, but does it still live in the United States of America? The Quinnipiac Poll revealed that when Americans were asked, “If you were in the same position as Ukrainians are now, do you think that you would stay and fight or leave the country?”

  • The Ukrainian crisis: A catastrophic failure of leadership

    The Ukrainian crisis: A catastrophic failure of leadership

    Now, the specter of biological and chemical weapons has risen to the fore, along with Putin’s threat to use tactical, low-yield nuclear weapons.

  • The uniqueness of American culture

    The uniqueness of American culture

    As I was leafing through an old copy of The New York Times, the following quote from a French Muslim arrested my attention: “It’s only abroad that I’m French. I’m French, I’m married to a French woman. I speak French, I live French, I love French food and culture. But in my country, I’m not French.”

  • State-sanctioned gambling: A really bad deal!

    State-sanctioned gambling: A really bad deal!

    As late as 2012, NFL lawyers argued in a court case that “the NFL was adamantly opposed to sports gambling because it would ‘negatively impact our long-term relationship with our fans, negatively impact the perception of our sport across the country.” Why did such a stunning reversal take place?

  • The new unholy alliance: Xi’s China and Putin’s Russia

    The new unholy alliance: Xi’s China and Putin’s Russia

    This new “axis of totalitarianism” is the greatest threat to human freedom and dignity to arise since the end of the Cold War symbolized by the collapse of the Soviet Union in December 1991.