Richard D. Land

Richard D. Land

Christian Post Executive Editor

Dr. Richard Land, BA (magna cum laude), Princeton; D.Phil. Oxford; and Th.M., New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, was president of the Southern Baptists’ Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (1988-2013) and has served since 2013 as president of Southern Evangelical Seminary in Charlotte, NC. Dr. Land has been teaching, writing, and speaking on moral and ethical issues for the last half century in addition to pastoring several churches.


  • Why Thanksgiving?

    Why Thanksgiving?

    These victims fleeing from religious persecution set out consciously to achieve what President Lincoln would later describe as government “of the people, by the people, for the people.”

  • Is paid parental leave pro-family?

    Is paid parental leave pro-family?

    Why is parental leave legislation so important? I believe if you consider yourself to be “pro-family,” you should support some form of government-subsidized, maternity parental leave.

  • Veterans Day: The debt we still owe

    Veterans Day: The debt we still owe

    All the men and women who were killed in defending America died before their natural time. Most of them were in their teens and 20s. My father, a World War II Navy veteran with 13 battle stars in the Pacific, to the day he died at 92, fondly remembered the men he served with, the men who died in their early twenties like he was, far from home.

  • What happened in Virginia and why it matters

    What happened in Virginia and why it matters

    This volatility was on full display last Tuesday in Virginia. Republican Glenn Youngkin won by increasing the Republican vote from 2020 in every county in the state. He won 13% of the black vote and received slightly more than half the Hispanic vote.

  • National defense: Playing catch-up again?

    National defense: Playing catch-up again?

    Unfortunately, as the Chinese missile tests demonstrate, we are behind in this one critical area, and we are being forced to play that most American of games, “catch-up”.  We must do so with all deliberate speed, or the cause of liberty and freedom in the world will suffer a terrible defeat with tragic human consequences.

  • Colin Powell, The Art Institute of Chicago, and opportunity in America

    Colin Powell, The Art Institute of Chicago, and opportunity in America

    According to General Powell, Prime Minister Yew replied, “Mr. President…you don’t understand. It’s not reversible. There is no other place where you can take a foreigner and plop them in and…five years later out pops an American of hyphenated background who can go as far as his talents will take him. It can’t happen anywhere else.” 

  • How badly have we lost our way?

    How badly have we lost our way?

    Chambers records that in 1933 he and his wife discovered that they were pregnant. Realizing that this would be very difficult considering they were both Communist spies in America, Mrs. Chambers went to make arrangements to abort the child. When she came home a few hours later she was very subdued and quiet.

  • Is America headed for a national crack up?

    Is America headed for a national crack up?

    Are ominous signs revealing deep divisions in American society serving as harbingers or warning alarms that the nation’s continuing unity is truly imperiled?

  • Hardcore porn: The mortal enemy of humanity — women and men

    Hardcore porn: The mortal enemy of humanity — women and men

    The responses of the Oxford students are revelatory. They overwhelmingly affirmed the belief that porn bears “responsibility for the objectification of women,” the “marginalization of women,” and “sex and violence against women.”

  • The right to life amid a culture of death

    The right to life amid a culture of death

    I am often asked why I speak out on the abortion issue as frequently as I do. To me, that question would be analogous to asking Martin Luther King, Jr. why he focused so much of his life and ministry on fighting for equality under the law and in society for all Americans.