Thom S. Rainer

Thom S. Rainer

Op-ed Contributor


  • 7 Deadly Statements of Church Members

    7 Deadly Statements of Church Members

    Words have meaning. And if church members start articulating words consistently, those words begin to reflect the priorities and passions of the church.

  • 7 Ways to Overcome the Overcommitted Church

    7 Ways to Overcome the Overcommitted Church

    Is your church too busy? Are many of your members overcommitted? If so, don't even think about adding a ministry, event, activity, or program without taking at least one away.

  • The Overcommitted Church

    The Overcommitted Church

    Many churches have become too busy for their own good. They have so many activities, programs, events, and services that they are wearing out their congregations.

  • 10 Unfair Expectations of Pastors' Wives

    10 Unfair Expectations of Pastors' Wives

    The pastor's wife in many churches carries heavy burdens. Sometimes they are impossible expectations. Here are the top ten expectations imposed upon these ladies.

  • 7 Traits of the Excellent Ministry Assistant

    7 Traits of the Excellent Ministry Assistant

    The days of the church secretary are waning. This position is being replaced with a more contemporary and beneficial position called the ministry assistant.

  • 6 Traits of a Church Disrupter

    6 Traits of a Church Disrupter

    He is almost in every church. He is the church disrupter. Unlike church bullies, the disrupter rarely attacks leaders directly. He is good about stirring up dissension, but he seems to always feel like "God led me to do it."

  • Before You Fire Your Pastor

    Before You Fire Your Pastor

    It happened again this week. A pastor contacted me to let me know his deacons asked for his resignation. The reason? No one was really clear about it. Too many pastors are getting fired. It feels like an epidemic.

  • Why It Takes 5 to 7 Years to Become the Pastor of a Church

    Why It Takes 5 to 7 Years to Become the Pastor of a Church

    In most established churches, there is a prolonged period before the church members as a whole will truly embrace you as pastor. The majority of pastors never make it to year five.

  • 7 Characteristics of Reactionary Pastors

    7 Characteristics of Reactionary Pastors

    Sometimes church leaders have to be reactionary. We can't always plan ahead. But many church leaders can be more proactive. Too many of these leaders waste valuable time because they were not prepared adequately.

  • Why Many of Our Churches Are Still One Color

    Why Many of Our Churches Are Still One Color

    Tens of thousands of congregations are one color, one race, or one group. Why? Why is this reality still taking place today?