Soldiers Surprise Their Daughter With A Heartwarming Return at A School Magic Show

If you ask the countless men and women that proudly serve in our military about the hardest part of their deployments, you may be surprised at the answer you receive. It won't be commanding officers or the uncomfortable bunks. The toughest part of deployment is being away from your loved ones.
This video is about Julia and Brian Woodburn, who are a married couple who are both actively serving in the U.S. Army. For them, deployment means being away from each other as well as their adorable young daughter, Addison. In this heartwarming video we see them arrange a surprise homecoming at her school during a magic show. The magician magically "appears" while Brian hides in the mascot suit. Although having both her parents gone at a very young age is hard, it's clear she gets more than enough love and strength from her parents to make up for it.
This video will open your heart and bring tears of joy to your eyes. Check it out below: