Audrey Barrick
Christian Post Reporter
Malaysia Airlines Plane Disappears; Search Mobilized for Flight MH370
A Malaysia Airlines plane with 239 people passengers and crew, including two infants, on-board seemingly vanished early Saturday morning after taking off from Kuala Lumpur. Two oil slicks found in the waters between Malaysia and Vietnam is suspected of being part of a crashed plane.
America Is in Aberration, Says Radio Host
America is in aberration where good is considered deviant and evil is normative, said a conservative radio talk show host.
Stephen Hawking: There Are No Black Holes
Stephen Hawking says in a new paper that black holes don't exist. Hawking, a famed theoretical physicist, has a new paper titled "Information Preservation and Weather Forecasting for Black Holes," where he explains in two pages why he doesn't believe "event horizons" – from which nothing can escape – exist.
Nun Gives Birth to Son; Didn't Know She Was Pregnant
A nun who was not aware that she was pregnant gave birth to a son in Italy this week, according to local media.
Christ the Redeemer Struck by Lightning; Amazing Photos Capture Moment
Christ the Redeemer, the famous statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, was struck by lightning Thursday night, resulting in some damage.
Wife of Former Homosexual Alan Chambers Says She Never Doubted Marrying Him
Leslie Chambers says she never doubted whether it was the right decision to marry Alan Chambers, who formerly engaged in homosexual relationships.
Gay Blogger Tells Straight Christians: Don't Confuse Your Best With God's Best
A gay blogger has a piece of advice for Christians who tell him he should leave his homosexual lifestyle: don't confuse your best with God's best.
58-Year-Old Woman Pregnant With Daughter's Child
A 58-year-old post-menopausal woman is expected to give birth to her granddaughter early next month.
Mega Millions: Second Winner Finally Claims $324 Million Prize
The second Mega Millions winner came forward late Thursday to claim half of the $636 million prize, the second largest lottery jackpot in history.
Judge Denies Mother's Petition to Keep 'Brain-Dead' Daughter on Life Support
A California judge declined on Tuesday a mother's petition to keep her 13-year-old daughter on life support at Children's Hospital Oakland. Nailah Winkfield, mother of Jahi McMath, is praying for a miracle.