Chuck Colson

Chuck Colson

Christian Post Guest Columnist


  • Freedom vs. 'Rights'?

    Freedom vs. 'Rights'?

    As the culture changes, so do our laws and what we used to think were fundamental freedoms. I\'ll show you how.

  • Why Film's Golden Age Ended

    Why Film's Golden Age Ended

    Think of the great movies of all time. Citizen Kane. The Maltese Falcon. It\'s a Wonderful Life. Lawrence of Arabia. What do they all have in common? Find out.

  • Why Ethics Matters

    Why Ethics Matters

    The Securities and Exchange Commission has filed a lawsuit against Goldman Sachs. Why should you care? Find out.

  • Lessons from a Coal Mine

    Lessons from a Coal Mine

    Do you enjoy the benefits of electricity? Thank American coal miners. And in the wake of the West Virginia tragedy, we Christians have another reason to thank them.

  • Creation and Man

    Creation and Man

    Today is the 40th annual Earth Day. Why, and how, you celebrate it will depend on your worldview.

  • Prozac and Piety

    Prozac and Piety

    Are people\'s brains hardwired for religious belief? At least one scientist thinks so. But dare I ask, hardwired by whom?

  • Racism and Repentance

    Racism and Repentance

    What do we do when we become aware of our sin? As individuals, we repent and ask forgiveness. So can entire congregations.

  • Cultural Disconnect

    Cultural Disconnect

    Charlatans, hypocrites, and dupes. That\'s how Hollywood usually portrays Christians. But it wasn\'t always that way.

  • Happiness and Virtue

    Happiness and Virtue

    With apologies to Charlie Brown, happiness is not a warm puppy. I\'ll tell you what happiness is, and why we need to know the definition now more than ever.

  • Guts and Principles

    Guts and Principles

    When is it OK to kill a terrorist, and when is it not? And why would I ask such a question? To find out, read today\'s commentary.