Glenn Sunshine


  • Christians who changed their world: Benjamin Rush

    Christians who changed their world: Benjamin Rush

    All of the activities on Benjamin Rush’s very impressive resume were informed by his faith. His stands on mental health, prisons, and slavery came from his understanding that each person is made in the image of God and is, therefore, worthy of dignity and respect.

  • Hope from the global church

    Hope from the global church

    What if I told you Islam is dead? What if I told you the mosques are empty inside Iran? What if I told you no one follows Islam inside of Iran? Would you believe me? This is exactly what is happening inside of Iran. God is moving powerfully inside of Iran.

  • How Christians ended foot binding in China

    How Christians ended foot binding in China

    Christians bringing the Gospel to pagan societies have always – always – found themselves defending children from bad ideas and abusive cultural norms.

  • What we must learn from Amy Carmichael, missionary and defender of children

    What we must learn from Amy Carmichael, missionary and defender of children

    In nearly every sector of society — media, education, medicine, public policy, even sports — children are now subjects of social experimentation.

  • Political theology 101

    Political theology 101

    As citizens of a republic, we need to consider how to apply biblical teaching to our political activities. 

  • God’s plan at Christmas: Athanasius, 'on the Incarnation of the Word of God' (part 1)

    God’s plan at Christmas: Athanasius, 'on the Incarnation of the Word of God' (part 1)

    When we celebrate Christmas, we rehearse the Christmas story and may even dig deeper into the story to find deeper layers of meaning in the details just hinted at in the text.

  • COVID, the law and civil disobedience

    COVID, the law and civil disobedience

    Do we abide by restrictions on public worship set by the government (who are constitutionally not permitted to prohibit the free exercise of religion)? What if those restrictions are more stringent than those on secular businesses?

  • Debating in the name and the image of Christ

    Debating in the name and the image of Christ

    When the New Testament discusses how we are to deal with our opponents, the passages invariably tell us to treat them with respect.

  • How to deal with political disagreements (pt. 1)

    How to deal with political disagreements (pt. 1)

    Never-Trumpers and Democrats view anyone who would consider voting for Trump as morally compromised, while hardcore Trump supporters see their opponents as hypocritical totalitarians in the making.

  • The Christian worldview and the state of the world

    The Christian worldview and the state of the world

    Christianity is based on a metaphysics that recognizes that the visible and invisible worlds interpenetrate and influence each other. Thus, Scripture talks about angels and demons acting in the visible world.