Greg Laurie

Greg Laurie

Op-ed contributor

Greg Laurie is the pastor and founder of the Harvest churches in California and Hawaii and of Harvest Crusades. He is an evangelist, best-selling author and movie producer. His newest book Lennon, Dylan, Alice & Jesus


  • Here for You

    Here for You

    Maybe you are having a difficult time this Christmas. Maybe your marriage has fallen apart and you are alone. Let me tell you something: God is with you. Maybe your kids have forgotten about you this year. Jesus hasn't forgotten about you. His name is Immanuel, which means "God with us." Maybe your parents have forgotten about you. But God your Father has not forgotten about you.

  • Christmas Is a Promise

    Christmas Is a Promise

    For those who have lost a loved one, as my family has, Christmas can be really difficult, especially because it is so filled with memories. So many of those memories are triggered. And when you see other people having fun, it can actually bring a lot of sadness to you. It can even bring you to the point where you would just like to skip Christmas altogether. Have you ever wanted to cancel Christmas? I have.

  • Are You a Lukewarm Person?

    Are You a Lukewarm Person?

    Have you ever eaten something that turned your stomach? This is exactly how Jesus feels about lukewarm people.

  • Every Fiber of Your Being

    Every Fiber of Your Being

    I find it interesting that Jesus said, " 'And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.' " This statement reveals that God is not simply looking for some emotional, gooey kind of love. He is looking for a complete, true love.

  • The Unpopular Truth

    The Unpopular Truth

    One of the most often-asked question regarding the Christian faith goes something like this: "What about the person who has never heard that Jesus is the only way to God? What about the person in the middle of the jungle who has never heard the gospel?" (They are always in a jungle for some unknown reason—or in the desert.)

  • What Every Growing Christian Needs to Know

    What Every Growing Christian Needs to Know

    A father was talking with his daughter and her 5-year-old friend, Kristin, about birthdays. Kristin's was March 30 and the father's was March 27. The father said, "You know what Kristin? Our birthdays are three days apart!" She looked up at him and then said, "Yeah, but you grew much faster than I did!"

  • Start with a Bridge

    Start with a Bridge

    A problem that Christians often have when they share the gospel is going into attack mode on a person's sin straightaway: "Oh yeah, I see that you are into this. Well, let tell me you something. . . ."

  • Barriers to Answered Prayer

    Barriers to Answered Prayer

    You may have heard the old adage that says there are no atheists in foxholes. Actually, I think there may be some. But when the chips are down, most people will pray.

  • Why Jesus Had to Die (Part 3)

    Why Jesus Had to Die (Part 3)

    On the cross, Jesus gave seven statements—each one significant and necessary. One of the most arresting is "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?" No fiction writer would have his hero say words like those. They surprise us, disarm us, and cause us to wonder what He meant. In many ways, this is virtually impossible to fathom.

  • His Work, His Timing

    His Work, His Timing

    I am an "artist"— kind of. Actually, I am an artist with very limited skills. But sometimes when I'm spending time with friends, they will ask me to draw something. So I'll pull out a felt-tip pen and draw little cartoon