JB Cachila
3 Tips On How To Find The Perfect Spouse
Whether you're still single and hoping to marry, or married and hoping to have a better marriage, you want the perfect spouse. Am I right?
Is It OK For Christians To Casually Date?
Should Christians casually date? Let's go over some things in the Word to find an answer.
3 Ways To Be A Good Friend To Others
Our love for others shows them God's love. To help you be a good friend to others and effectively show them God's love, I've listed some things you can do.
How Your Relationship With God Helps Your Relationship With Your Parents
Our fathers and mothers, no matter how imperfect they may be, are valuable in the eyes of God as much as we are, and He wants to bless our relationships with them. How? read on.
The Power of Keeping it Simple
Simplicity is a beautiful thing. This principle is the same for the preaching of the Gospel of Christ.
Can I Be A True Christian And Still Practise Things From Other Faiths?
Why should we practice things from other faiths if we already have Christ?
3 Bad Excuses For Sinning
It's a sin to try excusing sin.
3 Wrong Reasons For You To Serve God In Church
Here are some wrong reasons for us to serve God in the church, followed by a little explanation why.
One Way To Know If You're Following God's Will Or Your Own
Do you truly desire to follow the Lord Jesus Christ and do the will of God for your life? Do you truly desire to let go of your own will so that, like the Lord Jesus, you could ask God to let His will be done in your life? Then here's what you have to do.
One Thing that will Help You Pursue God's Call on Your Life
Tired of going off track? Here's one way to make sure you don't swerve and go off the path you need to take in pursuing God.