JB Cachila
Christian Post Contributor
Is The Bible True? 3 Reasons Why We Can Trust The Bible
The Bible is a collection of 66 books that come from different authors over a long period of time. So why should we trust it? There are some good reasons.
3 People In The Bible Who Show How Much God Cares About Even The Smallest Detail In Our Lives
To encourage you to draw near to the Lord and trust Him for every little thing, here are some people whose lives demonstrate to us just how much God cares about everything in our lives.
Is It OK For A Christian Not To Fast?
Fasting is a great spiritual discipline. With it we are able to do more things than we normally could. But with all the talk about it, some might wonder if it's a necessity, something Christians should never ignore. Let's talk about that.
Holiness Definition: 3 Common Misconceptions Regarding Holiness
Holiness is a pursuit that God gave to all who are called by His name. Those who worship Him and call Him God and Father have the responsibility to be holy like He is. It's a given. But what is holiness exactly? Why do many Christians find it hard to live the holy life?
Can I Be Christian And Still Love To Do The Things I Used To Do Before I Became Christian?
Many Christians wonder if they can still do the things they used to do before becoming a Christian. Can we?
Christian Calling vs. Career: How Do I Know If God Wants Me to Do Something Else?
How do we know if God wants us to do something else, something different from what we are doing now?
My Body Is A Temple? 5 Ways To Treat The Human Body Right
The Bible tells us that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to us. To help you take care of the Holy Spirit's temple – your own body – here are some things you can do.
Spiritual Maturity: Here Are 3 Pieces Of Advice To Help You Grow Quickly In The Faith
We all live in a time where everything is done in an instant. Here are some tips to get instant maturity in the faith.
Confidence And Self-Esteem Advice: As A Christian, How Do I Overcome My Insecurities?
Do you feel like you're not acceptable to the Lord? That you're not loved, forgiven, and important, and have need to prove it to Him and to everybody? If you do, I want to help you be free from the sin of insecurity.
Dealing With Stress: 3 Ways The Word Of God Helps Us Overcome Our Doubts And Fears
How does the Word of God work to help us overcome our doubts and fears? When our faith grows, do we automatically lose all doubt and fear? Here are some ways the Word of God helps us in that area.