Jeff Schapiro
Christian Post Reporter
Arena League Team Owner Offers Tim Tebow a Job
Tim Tebow is a quarterback for the New York Jets for now, but, just in case things don't work out in the NFL, the owner of an Arena Football League team has offered him a job.
'God Particle' Discovered, Say CERN Scientists
Scientists announced Thursday that they believe a subatomic particle discovered last year is indeed the Higgs boson, or "God particle," they have been searching for.
Boy Scouts Survey Asks Questions About Gay Member Issue
A Boy Scouts of America (BSA) survey meant to help the organization's national leaders decide whether or not to lift a ban on gay members contains several questions pertaining to faith-based organizations.
Millions Spent Advertising Harold Camping 2011 Judgment Day Predictions
Family Stations, Inc., a ministry known for promoting its founder's May 21, 2011 Judgment Day prediction, spent more than $5 million on billboard advertising the year the big event was predicted to occur.
Sarah Palin to Students: Has America Forgotten God?
Former Alaskan governor Sarah Palin encouraged Christian students to influence American culture during Southeastern University's 2013 National Leadership Forum on Friday.
Hoax: Christian Martyr in Facebook Photo Actually a Convicted Murderer
A collage of photographs showing a man being publicly executed for his Christian faith, which has garnered thousands of Facebook likes and shares in just a few days, is a hoax.
Elevation Church Reimagines Story of Jonah as Sci-Fi Epic in Sermon Promo
In a video produced by the creative team at Elevation Church in Charlotte, N.C., one of the Bible's most well-known stories is retold in the style of a futuristic science fiction comic book
Arkansas Legislators Override Veto on Abortion Bill
The Arkansas House of Representatives voted Wednesday to override the governor's veto and ban abortions for women who are 12 weeks or greater into their pregnancies, thus passing the most restrictive law of its kind in the nation.
Robert Jeffress Reacts to Atheist Billboard Bearing His Likeness
Dallas megachurch pastor Robert Jeffress says an atheist organization's billboard advertisement featuring a picture of his face and a quote from one of his sermons is evidence that his church is on the right track.
Organizations Push for One Million Viewing Parties for 'The Bible' Miniseries
Several major Christian organizations are encouraging people to host viewing parties for the History channel's "The Bible" miniseries with the goal of seeing one million gatherings take place nationwide.