Jerry Newcombe
CP Op-Ed Contributor
Marxism making inroads in US military?
Marxism is allegedly making inroads into the U.S. military at present. So says a whistleblower, who just got fired from the military.
'Free' government money is the opposite of compassion
Whether on the federal or the state level, is this “the Christian thing to do”? To force Citizen A to work harder, so Citizen B can receive “free” money? Government has no money of its own. So someone has to earn it – and often it is those in the middle class.
How do you leave God out of prayer?
In our highly secular age, it's almost not surprising to see God or Jesus left out of a supposedly prayer-centered statement. In a dissenting opinion to a church-state case in 1984, Lynch v. Donnelly, the Supreme Court referred to the phenomenon of “ceremonial deism.” This implies references to God that “have lost through rote repetition any significant religious content.”
Humanizing the victims of abortion
Soon she was pregnant. Tonya shares, “The most frightening day of my life was to tell my mother, and so I got up the courage and I told her. It didn’t go well, you know. Here come the beatings, the telling me how worthless I was, how horrible I was, I was going to ruin the [family] name.” And so on.
Has socialism harmed no one?
George Santayana famously said that those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it. That was demonstrated when a Florida representative made a remarkable claim last week on the floor of the state House of Representatives. He claimed socialism never killed anyone.
Horrible theology and wokeness on steroid
Jesus said that we should love those who hate us and pray for those who persecute us. To whom is this “theologian” praying? It is certainly not the God of the Bible.
The Sabbath – A gift from God
One of the saddest things I saw on Easter Sunday was Amazon delivery trucks on the road. Having to work on Sunday is bad enough, but Easter?
The significance of the empty tomb
During these days of great upheaval and uncertainty, what a privilege it is to trust in Jesus Christ, the only one who ever conquered the grave.
A Lenten meditation on cancel culture
Cancel culture eats away at all these things, throwing forgiveness out the window in the process. Cancel culture is reminiscent of those ancient statues of snakes in the process of eating themselves in a circle.
Will California schools mandate pagan religion?
But today, California educators apparently prefer pagan deities that demand human sacrifice for worship. Since recognition of God has been expelled in our public schools, too many of our learning centers have become secular wastelands. In California, it could get even worse.