Joshua Arnold

Joshua Arnold

Op-ed contributor


  • 'I am the master of my faith': How dumping Christianity is trending

    'I am the master of my faith': How dumping Christianity is trending

    Christians don't need to embrace "deconstruction" to grow in godliness. We have the perfectly true Word of God, interpreted by the infallible Spirit of God, who has sealed us in Jesus Christ. These weapons of our warfare are invincible, if we will only make use of them.

  • Praying for a progressive president

    Praying for a progressive president

    As we wait for Jesus to return, and as we make disciples, we should also work, raise families and seek the welfare of our nation. And that includes praying for our nation’s leaders, whether we like their policies or not.

  • Natural immunity: Don't follow the science cherry-pickers

    Natural immunity: Don't follow the science cherry-pickers

    "Ten to 20% of the U.S. population gets infected with a respiratory infection every year, and has for centuries," he concluded. "That doesn't mean we stop living, doesn't mean we shut down school and cover the faces of kids with cloth masks. It means we use common sense." That starts by bringing back the workers, opening the country, and ending the mandates.

  • From smash and grab to catch and nab

    From smash and grab to catch and nab

    Government exists as a force to restrain the evil inclinations of our hearts and preserve the social order. America's founders understood this, even deists like James Madison, who said that “if men were angels no government would be necessary.” Now California has set out to prove him right by their bad example.

  • Pandemic of obsolete talking points

    Pandemic of obsolete talking points

    Last year, President Biden entered office pledging to swiftly end the pandemic. Now, a new variant evades every tool we have yet devised. But Omicron is also milder, with 29% lower hospitalizations for adults. "The disease now is defanged," said Bhattacharya. Governments should be "telling people about tools to get back to normal life." We can't abolish COVID, but we can live with it. Insisting upon complete abolition is folly.

  • The truth will set us free from vaccine mandates

    The truth will set us free from vaccine mandates

    Because we are better equipped with vaccines, effective treatments, and hospital protocols, COVID-19 "is no longer the kind of disease it was last year," said Bhattacharya. "Let's tell the population."

  • How to think about shutting down churches during coronavirus

    How to think about shutting down churches during coronavirus

    How can church leaders and members approach this issue wisely?

  • Will evangelicals become alt-right?

    Will evangelicals become alt-right?

    Certain segments of the alt-right are targeting evangelical Christians, according to Religious Left scholars who spoke at a recent conference at Georgetown University. But they don’t target Christians for persecution, as evangelicals are quick to suppose. No, they believe they can convert evangelicals to their racist way of thinking.