Ken Blackwell and Bob Morrison

CP Op-Ed Contributors


  • Expanding Relations With the Iranian Resistance Is Essential to Correct Iran Policy

    Expanding Relations With the Iranian Resistance Is Essential to Correct Iran Policy

    Last week I joined a bipartisan group of political figures and foreign policy experts in taking two steps to encourage the improvement of US policy toward Iran. The group of nearly forty prominent Americans including former senior US civilian and military officials and governors issued a policy statement urging stronger confrontation of Iran's nuclear ambitions, regional hostilities, and human rights abuses.

  • Let's Bring the Voice of the Iranian People Into Our Iran Policies

    Let's Bring the Voice of the Iranian People Into Our Iran Policies

    If you are paying attention to the Middle East, and thus to Iran, it would be prudent to also pay attention to France later this week.

  • Mr. President, You are NO Friend of Israel

    Mr. President, You are NO Friend of Israel

    President Obama, you recently gave an interview to Israeli television claiming you are "the closest thing to a Jew that has ever sat in this office." That's so far from the truth even a GPS cannot find it.

  • Praying for Deliverance, Dunkirk: 1940

    Praying for Deliverance, Dunkirk: 1940

    What must it be like to know that your name is on a list of thousands of people to be shot? What is it to know that your family will be hustled off to a concentration camp where few if any will emerge alive?

  • Is it Clinton Cash—Or Saudi Hush Money?

    Is it Clinton Cash—Or Saudi Hush Money?

    Many of us applauded when President Bill Clinton signed the International Religious Freedom Act in 1998. That law—passed with broad bi-partisan support—established a U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom.

  • War is a Four-Letter Word Spelled I-R-A-N

    War is a Four-Letter Word Spelled I-R-A-N

    House Foreign Relations Chairman Ed Royce recently briefed members of the Israel Allies Caucus on Capitol Hill. He spoke to supporters about Iran.

  • Candidates Win Evangelicals with Pro-American Worker Immigration Policy

    Candidates Win Evangelicals with Pro-American Worker Immigration Policy

    Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, an expected GOP presidential candidate, drew the ire of the political right and left recently over his comments on immigration.

  • Stop Economic Cronyism, Wind Down the Ex-Im Bank

    Stop Economic Cronyism, Wind Down the Ex-Im Bank

    Speaker John Boehner recently made headlines by joining the growing chorus among conservatives on Capitol Hill calling for a "wind down" of the Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im) – signaling he might be open to a plan by U.S. House Republicans to bring the New Deal-era program of economic cronyism to an end.

  • Boys Without Dads: A Cruel and Volatile Calculus

    Boys Without Dads: A Cruel and Volatile Calculus

    It is right that political and religious leaders, community groups, business organizations, and law enforcement officials are commenting about all the causes and effects of the riots. But one thing seems missing from the discussion, a factor whose omission is unacceptable. It's called fatherhood.

  • It's Time For A Different Narrative on Iran

    It's Time For A Different Narrative on Iran

    While Washington is abuzz with raging debate on the nuclear deal with Iran, the narrative that the Obama administration keeps repeating is that you either take the deal or you are a warmonger.