Lane Palmer
Christian Post Guest Columnist
I Know What You Did Last ... Whenever
Do you have secrets? Not like I sometimes obsess about something hanging out of my nose type off secret. No, Im talking the deep, dark, and dirty little (and big) stuff that is hush-hush-top-secret-Id-have-to-kill-you-if-I-told-you kinds of things.
When Harry Met Satan
It seems that the world has gone wild about Harry again because the one-two combination of the movie/book release has put the spell of Potter-mania on the muggle world- driving the multitudes to the multiplexes and boatloads to the bookstores.
Captain Jesus and the Pirates of the Resurrection
Yarrrgh! Unless ye be scurvy scum or lily-livered landlubbers, ye be knowin about ye newest film about the Pirates what we be calling At Worlds End!
The Cure for Summer Boredom
I know youve been there; all of us have at one time or another. The place called a state of boredom a generalized feeling of anxiety because nothing is on, nobody is available, and you have zero-zilch interest in doing anything.