Penny Young Nance and Glorya Taylor Jordan

Special to CP


  • The Orphan Crisis In America

    The Orphan Crisis In America

    There is a quiet crisis playing out in our nation that most women don't know exists. We all desire that every child in America grow up in a stable, loving, safe home. Unfortunately, that isn't happening for tens of thousands of little ones.

  • Abortion Stands Trial

    Abortion Stands Trial

    Instead of taking responsibility for the culture of death surrounding abortion, advocates continue to justify their gruesome agenda by blaming their long list of casualties on the same individuals they criticize for embracing state protocols whose very purpose is to save lives.

  • Put your Money Where Your Mouth Is: Buy Your Values

    Put your Money Where Your Mouth Is: Buy Your Values

    Let me humbly admit that I may have had a Starbucks latte in my hand on the morning my staff told me the unfortunate news. Starbucks doesn't want my money anymore.

  • Redefine Marriage and You Redefine America

    Redefine Marriage and You Redefine America

    I was recently confronted with what some believe is a shift in public opinion on the issue of traditional marriage.

  • Human Trafficking Victims: VAWA Supporters Just Didn't Care

    Human Trafficking Victims: VAWA Supporters Just Didn't Care

    We've learned that if you cleverly craft a bill's title to include women, puppies, or kids, convincing members to vote against it will be as hard as getting a straight answer on Benghazi. And that's exactly what happened Thursday. The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) passed and anyone who wasn't paying attention is probably overjoyed that it sounds like Congress finally defended women.

  • D'SNL Unfunnied

    D'SNL Unfunnied

    Most of my Catholic and Anglican friends are busy observing Lent these days. We Evangelicals don't usually do too much other than anticipate the arrival of Passion Week, Good Friday, and of course, Easter Sunday. Fasting for Lent isn't something we usually observe, because for one thing, we Evangelicals insist on either going all in or not participating at all. I mean, seriously, you want us to choose only one thing? Sorry. We can't seem to grasp the idea of giving up just coffee when the other

  • The Boy Scout's Most Important Badge: Courage

    The Boy Scout's Most Important Badge: Courage

    The all-out war against God's model for marriage and sexuality is at its apex. Just as we submit our Supreme Court "friend-of-the-court" briefs in support of marriage today, homosexual activists are putting enormous pressure on the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) to finally embrace homosexuality by allowing homosexual leaders within their ranks.

  • It's a No-Brainer: Congress Must Pass the SAFER Act

    It's a No-Brainer: Congress Must Pass the SAFER Act

    We heard so much about the so-called "war on women" during the last presidential election, with both parties pointing the finger at the other. However, there is a real opportunity for Congress to protect American women before they leave for the Christmas break, and yet, the House and Senate are too busy haggling over the details to get it done.

  • Caution to Republican Party: Drop Our Plank, Lose Our Vote

    Caution to Republican Party: Drop Our Plank, Lose Our Vote

    So here's what a conservative pro-life woman has to say on this matter: you can go this route, but you will lose our vote forever.

  • A Sensitive Response to Rape

    A Sensitive Response to Rape

    It's difficult to have a smart and sensitive conversation about the vicious reality of rape and its consequences and not an oversimplified conversation of sound bites, or one that's been watered down so as not to offend. Recently, the subject of rape, and conception following rape, has been the center of politically charged debates sparking hostile discussion between national figures and political pundits. Of course, this has offered pro-abortion advocates a foothold by which to advance their li