Robin Schumacher

Robin Schumacher

Exclusive Columnist

Robin Schumacher is an accomplished software executive and Christian apologist who has written many articles, authored and contributed to several Christian books, appeared on nationally syndicated radio programs, and presented at apologetic events. He holds a BS in Business, Master's in Christian apologetics and a Ph.D. in New Testament. His latest book is, A Confident Faith: Winning people to Christ with the apologetics of the Apostle Paul.


  • Right thinking on choosing the lesser of two evils

    Right thinking on choosing the lesser of two evils

    Clearly our fallen world presents us with situations where absolute laws conflict, so of the three possible Christian choices, we’re left with the Conflicting and Graded Absolutism options.

  • Why 'the church isn’t perfect' line has become a cop-out

    Why 'the church isn’t perfect' line has become a cop-out

    Christianity isn’t the problem of evil or any other apologetics-styled objection. Instead, it’s the lives lived out by professing Christians.

  • The antichrist cycle

    The antichrist cycle

    In short, the same type of anarchy that ancient Rome experienced is occurring today.

  • If God wants everyone saved, why isn’t everyone saved?

    If God wants everyone saved, why isn’t everyone saved?

    If God is all-powerful and sovereign over everything and wants everyone saved, why did He craft such a ‘foolish’ salvation message that most find absurd and end up rejecting? Put another way, does God get what He wants or not?

  • People of the lie

    People of the lie

    “The biggest advantage of extremism is that it makes you feel good because it provides you with enemies. Let me explain: the great thing about having enemies is that you can pretend that all the badness in the whole world is in your enemies and all the goodness in the whole world is in you."

  • Yes, you can understand the Bible

    Yes, you can understand the Bible

    The good news is, you can absolutely understand the Bible. Let me provide five quick steps that will put you on the right path.  

  • How to stop being miserable

    How to stop being miserable

    I’ve been making myself miserable lately. In the same way it must have deeply hurt Daniel to see Israel taken captive by Babylon, it truly sickens my soul to see a new Babylonian captivity happening in America.

  • The question no one asks about God and Hell

    The question no one asks about God and Hell

    When you study theology, you’ll come to a field called ‘theology proper’, which is a deep-dive into the attributes of God.

  • Science gets canceled by post-truth culture

    Science gets canceled by post-truth culture

    Watching the once-safe truths of science now fall to personal preference is a reminder of the cognitive dissonance and strong rebellious spirit inside all of us.

  • The consequences of losing both fear and love in America

    The consequences of losing both fear and love in America

    While fear acts as a rudimentary deterrent to bad behavior, a better way to stop lawbreaking is to change the heart of the lawbreaker.