Robin Schumacher

Robin Schumacher

Exclusive Columnist

Robin Schumacher is an accomplished software executive and Christian apologist who has written many articles, authored and contributed to several Christian books, appeared on nationally syndicated radio programs, and presented at apologetic events. He holds a BS in Business, Master's in Christian apologetics and a Ph.D. in New Testament. His latest book is, A Confident Faith: Winning people to Christ with the apologetics of the Apostle Paul.


  • Facts don't matter to the already-made-up mind

    Facts don't matter to the already-made-up mind

    I pointed out to them that they were committing the genetic fallacy by critiquing the source of information rather than the data itself, along with the double standard they were using (should I not listen to them or the NYT because both are “ultra-liberal”?)

  • The evil you don't talk about

    The evil you don't talk about

    It’s a given that whenever I talk to a non-Christian about our faith, they’ll bring up the problem of evil as a reason why they don’t believe in God.

  • The truth of the Bible proven in one word

    The truth of the Bible proven in one word

    If someone asked me to sum up in one word why a person should believe the Bible is trustworthy and, moreover, why it’s a supernatural book, that word would be: Israel.

  • An appeal to Jon Steingard of Hawk Nelson

    An appeal to Jon Steingard of Hawk Nelson

    Since you’re doubting the whole of Christianity, I’d like for you to consider that – at least in your Instagram post – you’re not asking the right questions.

  • The most important thing I learned from Ravi Zacharias

    The most important thing I learned from Ravi Zacharias

    I must have heard Ravi say a thousand times, there’s no use cutting off a person’s nose and then giving them a rose to smell.

  • Confessions of a fake Christian

    Confessions of a fake Christian

    I was a fake Christian and clueless about that fact.

  • The day a demon went to church

    The day a demon went to church

    Demons today? The idea of demon activity – at least to most people in twenty-first century America – is something they expect to only encounter in Netflix’s and Amazon’s horror movie streaming services.

  • Jesus’ difficult teaching on evil

    Jesus’ difficult teaching on evil

    The first paper I wrote in seminary was on the problem of evil. It was, and still is, a very personal subject for me.

  • Extraordinary evidence and believing in God

    Extraordinary evidence and believing in God

    One of Christianity’s best defenders – Francis Schaeffer – said, “Every honest question must be given an honest answer. It is unbiblical for anyone to say, ‘just believe.’”

  • The actions of the post-truth left are nothing new

    The actions of the post-truth left are nothing new

    To understand the motivations and actions of the Left, you have to understand post-truth philosophy.