Robin Schumacher
Robin Schumacher is an accomplished software executive and Christian apologist who has written many articles, authored and contributed to several Christian books, appeared on nationally syndicated radio programs, and presented at apologetic events. He holds a BS in Business, Master's in Christian apologetics and a Ph.D. in New Testament. His latest book is, A Confident Faith: Winning people to Christ with the apologetics of the Apostle Paul.
Why communist and leftist governments hate Christianity
Why is it that Communist and Leftist governments persecute and hate Christianity so much?
How to unmask a hardened skeptic
It’s important to understand that the Bible advises against continually evangelizing certain people.
Jesus’ twin brother and the truth about Easter
But a twin brother of Jesus that suddenly appears out of nowhere and pulls off the biggest deception in human history? Now that’s a new one.
Why you either believe or reject the Bible
Even though I am schooled in all these things, and value the information greatly, they are not why I believe the Bible is true.
The world’s future in four verses
It’s no wonder that skeptics want to challenge the book of Daniel. Its astonishingly accurate prophesies about the rise of various empires and political leaders such as Alexander the Great and Antiochus Epiphanes are enough to give a heart attack to anyone who attempts to rest comfortably in their anti-supernatural worldview.
The Bible is no myth
Atheists and skeptics have consistently asserted that the Bible is nothing more than a collectivized set of fairy tales whose historical validity is on par with Aesop’s fables. But is this the case?
The Spiderman fallacy and Christianity
An atheist that I was dialoging with a while back tried to support his disbelief in Jesus through the use of the “Spiderman fallacy”.
When your church doesn’t want you
In addition to rejecting my offer to help with education, they also turned me down to help with, well, anything.
Denying the Holocaust and rejecting Christianity
Atheists and skeptics of Christianity consistently say that the reason they don’t believe in God is because there is no evidence for Him. But is that all there really is to it?
Atheist evangelist: 5 things cause Christians to lose faith. Is he right?
Zuckerman asserts it’s not the influence of Richard Dawkins or the intolerant mocking of Bill Maher that are swaying people away from God, but instead he thinks there are five cultural winds that are blowing individuals out of the religious ranks and into the secular fold.