Tony Perkins and Ken Blackwell

CP Op-Ed Contributors


  • On Racism and Policing, Leadership Starts at the White House

    On Racism and Policing, Leadership Starts at the White House

    After last week's protests over police practices, mass killing of cops in Dallas, and usual efforts to take political advantage, it should be evident to every American that we face a crisis in public trust and accountability.

  • President Hillary Clinton Would Mean the End of American Exceptionalism

    President Hillary Clinton Would Mean the End of American Exceptionalism

    The Left gets aroused when, say, a businessman takes advantage of the system. But they turn a blind eye when it comes to one of their own. Like presidential wannabe Hillary Clinton.

  • Hillary Clinton: The Big Business Candidate

    Hillary Clinton: The Big Business Candidate

    Many leaders of big business support Hillary Clinton. Last week she announced a list of 56 corporate backers. No wonder Bernie Sanders is still running against her.

  • Obama Endorses Lawlessness

    Obama Endorses Lawlessness

    It won't be the first time an incumbent attempted to help elect his successor. But never before has the conflict been so great, with the current president presiding over a criminal investigation of his party's presumptive nominee.

  • Republican Party Is No Longer the Party of Business? Great!

    Republican Party Is No Longer the Party of Business? Great!

    Billionaire and former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg recently complained to a Wall Street gathering that "the Republican Party is no longer the party of business."

  • Trump Is Bad, but Not Worse Than Hillary

    Trump Is Bad, but Not Worse Than Hillary

    Donald Trump is the presumptive Republican Party nominee for president. His imminent triumph has created shock and dismay within the GOP. A number of top Republicans are threatening not to support Trump. A few have proposed launching a third party bid.

  • What Republicans Must Do to Win in November

    What Republicans Must Do to Win in November

    The media almost always is more interested in process than substance. So it's been big news that Ted Cruz and John Kasich are cooperating in their effort to stop Donald Trump from winning a majority of delegates and thus the nomination.

  • Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Are Both Abortion Extremists

    Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Are Both Abortion Extremists

    The recent Wisconsin primary was a serious setback for the front-runners of both parties. Donald Trump's momentum toward the 1,237 delegates needed for the Republican nomination was slowed by Ted Cruz's victory, and Hillary Clinton lost yet again to Bernie Sanders, who's won seven of the last eight contests.

  • Bernie Sanders Proposal Would Undermine Healthcare, Intellectual Property

    Bernie Sanders Proposal Would Undermine Healthcare, Intellectual Property

    Senator Sanders' proposal doesn't just have the potential to undermine the drug development system, it also poses a serious danger to the patent system by allowing the government to intervene in the protection of intellectual property.

  • 3 Things Republicans Need to Win and Govern

    3 Things Republicans Need to Win and Govern

    The eventual Republican nominee needs to take something from all three candidates to win.