A Devastating Price to Pay for Religious Conscience

In one of the most egregious anti-Christian acts committed by a state official in recent memory, Oregon Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian not only upheld the ridiculous $135,000 fine levied against Aaron and Melissa Klein for declining to bake a cake for a lesbian commitment ceremony, but he ordered the Kleins to "cease and desist" from making any public comments about their religious convictions relative to this case.
This is an outrage and a travesty, and it must be rebuked and resisted. Who does Mr. Avakian think he is?
The fine itself is unconscionable, as the amount of $135,000 was determined by tallying up the alleged emotional damages experienced by the lesbian couple, who as Thomas D. Williams noted, "accused the Kleins of 'mental rape,' adding that they had suffered a 'loss of appetite' and 'impaired digestion,' which remarkably led to 'weight gain.'"
If anyone here was "raped," it was the Kleins (by the government) not this couple (by the Kleins).
Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/oregon-declares-war-on-the-christian-faith-and-aaron-and-melissa-klein-141174/