College Graduates: Not Ready for the Real World?

A generation of young people graduating with debt they can't repay because the jobs they studied for just don't exist has become a national crisis too severe to ignore. Few can afford to waste time and money. Today, seven in 10 graduating seniors at public and private colleges have student loans. Taking steps to make sure they have jobs before the loans come due is a process that should begin before enrolling for college.
The first step in making sure that students invest their time, money and intellect in the right course of study – one that has the hope of employment and personal satisfaction – begins with spending more deliberate time in selecting the right major.
Consider this recent report: "About 80 percent of students in the United States end up changing their major at least once, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. On average, college students change their major at least three times over the course of their college career." This kind of change often delays graduation and causes some to lag behind their peers who have had more time to engage in a career. It is also expensive for those paying the tuition, buying textbooks, and covering the cost of labs and additional fees.