12 Groups Fighting Radical Islam That Deserve Your Support

Countless people yearn to join the fight against ISIS, Jihad, Shariah, Islamism, and Islamic oppression but don't know where to turn. Well, here's a practical place to start.
Below is a brief description of 12 worthwhile organizations working in 12 different domains to address the many faces of radical Islam. From taking on Islamic blasphemy laws, advocating for girls education, or translating radical Islamic interviews and speeches, each group addresses a different vital area of need. Whether you donate money, join their email list, follow them on social media, or volunteer for them, there is something for everyone.
The future belongs to those who stand up for their values, and there is no shortage of radical Islamists fighting for their values. The millions of people around the world who are concerned about radical Islam must take the next logical moral step. We must come together to expand and enhance existing organizations so we can overwhelm radical Islam with our superior values, laws, and rights. Only when more people like you, the concerned reader, become an active and knowledgeable participant will this happen.
If you are putting your faith in Uncle Sam or the U.N. to save us, your faith would be better spent on leprechauns and pots of Gold at the end of the rainbow. Do not deceive yourself into thinking the war against radical Islam will be won by any government or military. It will be won by the people. Good, ordinary people like you defending the values you love.
I suggest you bookmark this page immediately, share it with your friends, and refer back to it after every Islamic terror attack to remind you of the importance of being informed and involved. Take action today by supporting these organizations now.
1. Act For America – With 280,000 members and 890 local chapters Act For America is the largest grassroots organization in the United States dedicated to fighting Jihad and Sharia. As it expands internationally, Act For America is placing itself in the position to be a global leader for human rights and equality. It's founder, Brigitte Gabriel, has also written one of my favorite books on radical Islam titled "They Must Be Stopped: Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam and how we can do it."
2. Clarion Project – The Clarion Project stands up to Islamic extremists through its educational website and by creating enlightening films that educate the public on critical issues including Jihad, Nuclear Iran, honor killings, and homegrown Islamic terrorist. It also supports and provides a list of many progressive Muslim organizations that advocate for separation of Church and State, equality, and human rights. You can watch and share many of their films for free on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/user/ClarionProductions
3. American Freedom Law Center (AFLC) If the Constitution had a lawyer, it would be AFLC. AFLC is the legal team for free speech and equal treatment under the law. When local governments refuse to run ads critical of Jihad and Sharia and arrest Christians for handing out Bibles at Islamic festivals, AFLC challenges them in court and wins. They defend your right to criticize Islam and convert Muslims to Christianity, both of which have been under attack by fundamentalist Muslims who seek to institute Sharia and have a special status for Muslims in the USA.
4. Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB), Ex-Muslims of North America and Former Muslims United By far, these are some of the bravest people in the world. Ex-Muslim organizations have first hand knowledge of the dangers of cultural relativism. They are breaking down barriers for Muslims who no longer believe but are afraid to leave their faith. They stand up to apostasy laws, blasphemy laws, and give ex-Muslims a place of support. It is critical that we support Ex-Muslims if we want practicing Muslims to not live in fear of their faith.
5. American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) http://freedomdefense.typepad.com While the mainstream media supports criticism of other religions, they are scared to death to criticize Muhammad or Islam. The media has caved into the Jihadi's threat of violence and death. AFDI, on the other hand, fearlessly stands up for free speech. A terror attack on their Muhammed Cartoon Contest didn't intimidate or slow down AFDI and its founder Pamela Gellar. They are the most potent force in challenging self-imposed Islamic blasphemy laws by journalists, politicians, and activists in the United States. AFDI also raises public awareness of anti-Semitism and other important issues in the Islamic world that the mainstream media lacks the courage to address. You can sign up to read Geller's blog Atlas Shrugs here or her colleague Robert Spencer's here.
6. Florida Family Association –FFA http://floridafamily.org Don't let the name deceive you. Florida Family Association is a national organization that harnesses online citizen activism through its massive email list to change organizations through economic and public pressure. They urge companies not to advertise on the Islamic terror apologist network Al Jazeera, remind universities to support free speech and not cancel films and speakers critical of Islamism, and hold the Council of American Islamic Relations (CAIR) feet to the fire for their leaders past support for terrorism and saying Muslims are above the law of the land. You can sign up for their email list here.
7. Malala Fund - Founded by Noble Peace Prize winner and light of the Islamic world Malala Yousafzai, the Malala Fund amplifies her message a million fold. The fund invests in women's non-profit organizations that focus on education and advocates for policy changes that support the rights of women access to education. Educated women are one of the best ways to reform Islam and support equality.
8. The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) – MEMRI is an essential but under appreciated component in the fight against radical Islam. MEMRI monitors and translates a wide-range of media from the Middle East into English and many other languages. They monitor and research developments with Islamic radicals and reformers in the hope of educating the West about their capabilities and intentions. To know what our enemies, and our friends are thinking, we must support MEMRI.
9. Quilliam Foundation Based in London, Quilliam is a think tank focused on counter-terrorism, Muslim citizenship, and promoting democratic values. They challenge Muslims who insulate themselves in their adopted European country and express Westophobia; an irrational fear of Western values. Since Europe is a breeding ground for Jihadi's and the Islamic state, Quilliam's work is in urgent need of support and expansion.
10. The Middle East Forum – The primary focus of The Middle East Forum is to protect American values throughout the Middle East. They accomplish this by offering policy recommendations, providing philanthropy and legal defense to writers and activists, and through various projects including Campus Watch, Islamist Watch, and publishing the Middle East Quarterly. They represent American values in the growing battle of ideas.
11. The AHA Foundation – Founded by 'Infidel' and 'Heretic' author Ayaan Hiri Ali, AHA advocates for women facing Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), forced marriages, and Honor killings. They lobby, educate, and train people to understand the hardships many Muslim women face and how to help them. AHA frees Muslim women from fear, intimidation, and oppressive Islamic doctrines.
12. Center for Security Policy If you care about the United State's national security, then you want to support the Center for Security Policy. They research, publish reports and books (often free), and work with lawmakers to influence public policy and raise awareness of threats facing the USA. As Shariah law creeps into the American political system, legal system, educational system, and media, they are on the frontlines working to defeat the threat.
Please support these organizations in whatever capacity you can.